resvg test suite


  • svg/ - SVG images. Actual tests
  • png/ - PNG images with expected rendering results
  • images/ - images that will be referenced by SVG files
  • fonts/ - fonts used by SVG files
  • site/ - sources for github pages
  • tools/ - various testing tools
  • - pre-commit hook
  • order.txt - custom tests order for pretty-printing
  • results.csv - results of manual testing via tools/vdiff of the resvg test suite
  • - generates site/images/chart.svg

Tests order

Test names must not be changed. All new test files should increment the latest number. But if we need to insert some test in the middle of the order - we also have to increment all the tests after it. Which is unacceptable. To avoid this we are using order.txt file, that allows us to print tests in any order we want.
