
PyDump, cross-platform solution for Memory Dumps

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


PyDump, cross-platform solution for Memory Dumps

Discord: ZaikoARG#1187

PyDump is a cross-platform command line tool written entirely in Python for creating memory dumps of a specific process.

Many times to create memory dumps we must install a different tool for Windows than for Linux, or we do not find a quick and easy solution to make a memory dump in our Operating System. PyDump offers the ability to create memory dumps with a simple command line and cross-platform support, so you don't have to worry about how certain things are done on your OS.

PyDump currently supports the following operating systems:

  • Windows
  • Linux

Example of Usage

Dump full memory of a chrome.exe process

python pydump.py -n chrome.exe -o dump.bin -fd

Dump a reduced part of the memory of the chrome.exe process

python pydump.py -n chrome.exe -o dump.bin -md

Dump full memory knowing the Process ID

python pydump.py -p 1234 -o dump.bin -fd


python pydump.py -p {pid} -o {filename} (options)

Option Description
-p, --pid [process_id] Specify the Process ID to dump memory.
-n, --process-name [process_name] Specify the Process Name to dump memory.
-o, --output [file] Output file name where the dump will be saved.
-md Create a Mini Dump of the process. Includes only the memory regions of type PRIVATE on Windows and only READABLE on Linux.
-fd Create a Full Dump of the process. Includes any type of memory: PRIVATE, IMAGE and MAPPED on Windows and PRIVATE and SHARED on Linux.


Copyright © 2022, ZaikoARG. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.