Neo4j is a native graph database that lets us build nodes and relationships effortlessly.
Cypher: is a query language in neo4j that lets us query data from a graph.
To run neo4j locally install docker on your os and run the following command that will pull the docker image and run it,
docker run -dit --rm --name=my-neo4j -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 --env=NEO4J_AUTH=none neo4j
flags explanation:
7474:7474 exposes the Neo4j browser interface on port 7474.-p
7687:7687 exposes the Bolt protocol for Cypher queries on port 7687.--env=NEO4J_AUTH=
sets the default username and password (neo4j/test).
to run neo4j REPL run the following command that will let us interact with the database using cypher
or commands
docker exec -it my-neo4j cypher-shell
winpty docker exec -it my-neo4j cypher-shell
Syntax for inserting a node
CREATE (variable_name: LABEL { ...props });
CREATE (s1:Site {url: '', title: 'Google', description: 'The world\'s most popular search engine.'});
example of node insertion with timestamp,
CREATE (f:Folder { name: 'Tech', createdAt: datetime() });
Neo4j provides a browser experience that allows us to see a visual representation of our data. to open it go to http://localhost:7474/browser/ and set the authentication type to none since we are just running locally.
to see all the data paste MATCH (n) RETURN n
inside the code cell and run it
Syntax to create relationship:
Represents a node in the graph.LABEL:
Represents the type of relationship between nodes.
In our case, A folder can contain many sites. To link sites to the folder run the following query,
MATCH (f:Folder {name: 'Tech'}), (s:Site)
WHERE s.url IN ['', '']
RETURN f, s;
To create a nested relationship where a folder is inside another folder, run the following query:
MATCH (f:Folder)
WHERE = 'Tech'
CREATE (newFolder:Folder { name: 'Web', createdAt: datetime() })
CREATE (f)-[:CONTAINS]->(newFolder)
RETURN f, newFolder;
To insert a new site in a nested folder run:
MATCH (f:Folder) WHERE = 'Web'
CREATE (s:Site {
url: '',
title: 'MDN',
description: 'The MDN Web Docs site provides information about Open Web technologies including HTML, CSS, and APIs for both Web sites and progressive web apps'
Query to add multiple sites at once:
MATCH (f:Folder) WHERE = 'Web'
{ url: '', title: 'React', description: 'A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.' },
{ url: '', title: 'Node.js', description: 'A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome\'s V8 JavaScript engine.' },
{ url: '', title: 'NestJS', description: 'A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications.' }
] AS site
CREATE (s:Site {
url: site.url,
title: site.title,
description: site.description
RETURN f, s;
In Neo4j's Cypher query language, the
clause is used to transform a list of values into individual rows. Essentially, it "unwraps" a list so that each item in the list becomes a separate row in the result set. This is particularly useful when you want to perform operations on multiple items within a single query.
Query to get all descendants of a node,
MATCH (f:Folder)
WHERE = 'Tech'
OPTIONAL MATCH (f)-[:CONTAINS*]->(descendants)
RETURN DISTINCT descendants;
We can also specify a depth how deep we want to query using this query: In this case, we are specifying depth 1 and saying just querying direct children.
MATCH (f:Folder)
WHERE = 'Tech'
OPTIONAL MATCH (f)-[:CONTAINS*1]->(descendants)
RETURN DISTINCT descendants;
More Coming Up... Stay tuned!