
All service provider is an android application based on Machine learning recommendation technique Matric Factorization

All Services Provider App

All service provider is an android application based on Machine learning recommendation technique Matric Factorization

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  • Visual Code
  • Android Studio
  • Spyder
  • Sublime
  • RestFulAPI


  • JAVA
  • SQLLite3
  • DJANGO Framework
  • CSS
  • HTML

Data Access

  • Firebase

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Setting up Firebase

First, we must create our database. As this project deal with data and database is most vital component of our project. Before creating database, we setup our Firebase. In Firebase there are two types of database types Cloud Firebase and Real-time Database. So now we have to choose among. So, for this project we’ll go for Real-time Database.

Setting Security Rules

Security rules are very important these will let user to interact to database. High security is always appreciated. As we are now using it as a prototype so we’ll let every user to simply Read and Write from our database. As shown in Figure. READ and WRITE are set to simply True.

Setup Tables

Now as our database is set, it’s time to add tables to our database. These works in data hereditary structure but actually these are same as tables in databases. We added all tables as shown in Figure 5.5 that were required and discussed in Section 4.7 Class Diagram.

Connecting project to Firebase

As discussed earlier that we’ll work on firebase so Android Studio have a great Firebase assistant that let us to connect to firebase easily and quickly.

Key Components

We will now go for the key components of the projects and their final look. But we will not discuss the code here. Because it will go to deep development knowledge. Anyhow we discussed the methodologies and basic steps in detail. We also took the help of graphical views to explain the project more clearly. Now we discuss the implemented modules briefly.

Customer Module

Customer module is consisting of all functionalities and options which we are providing to customers.

User Friendly interface

Customers find an easy to use interface and can easily perform functionalities available to them.

Phone number registration

Customers can register to app by their PTA registered cell number and will receive authentication code to access new account.

Customer choice worker

Customer can search for a service provider according to their previous record and on some basis like Behaviour, Rates, Efficiency and Honesty with work. Which were rated by other customers.

Customer Location

Customer can Locate its location and also location of all-around service providers around with their info as marker and Realtime distance between both. Related Activity:  MainActivity

Search for providers

After searching for specific skilled provider, a list of top providers will be recommended not more then 4. A popup dialog will help to access any of them. From where providers profile can be seen.

Search for providers

After searching for specific skilled provider, a list of top providers will be recommended not more than four. A popup dialog will help to access any of them. From where providers profile can be seen.

Send Work Request to Provider

From Provider Profile a customer can send a work request to the provider and on other side a provider will receive notification and popup window to accept or reject the customer request. Related Activity:

Chat or Call to Provider

In Provider Profile when a provider accepts request a Chat and Call option will be unlocked from there a provider can be accessed.

Chat Box

From Provider Profile chat box can be accessed where a chat between customer and provider will be established. That will let provider to chat with customer and vice versa.

Chat or Call to Provider

In Provider Profile when a provider accepts request a Chat and Call option will be unlocked from there a provider can be accessed.

Service Provider Module

Provider module is consisting of all functionalities and options which we are providing to Provider.

User Friendly interface

Provider find an easy to use interface and can easily perform functionalities available to them.

Phone number registration

Provider can register to app by their PTA registered cell number and will receive authentication code to access new account.

Provider Location

Provider can Locate its location and location of customer with Realtime distance between both. Related Activity:

Messages and Request

Provider can see who had try to access him/her, all requests and messages will be shown at same interface with FloatingActionButton.

Chat Box

From Provider Main Activity chat box can be accessed where a chat between customer and provider will be established. That will let provider to chat with customer and vice versa.

Google Maps

When a provider is selected for work. Google Map which is built in app in all Android and IOS devices, will be open and will start navigating the shortest distance between the two-person customer and provider.

User Interface

User interfaces have their own significance. It is basically a bridge between user and machine. So, it is very important that UI should must be attractive and easy to use. In case of Professional Application significance of UI also increases. Because it purely deals with layman. It is basic demand of customers that a Layman App should must be easy to use. While All Service Provider need an interactive UI to keep customers and provider engage. As we have already discussed functionalities in deep detail now we move to interface provided to perform activities.

Customer and Provider Registration

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Customer Main activity

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Customer History Filter

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Provider Recommendation List

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Provider Profile Activity

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Chat Box

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Hire or Reject Provider

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Provider Reach

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Work Done and Feedback

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Provider Registration

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Provider Main Activity

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Receive Customer Request

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Chat Box

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Google Map and Reached Location

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Django Local Server and RestFulAPI

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Installing Dependencies

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Loading Trained Modules by RestFulAPI

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