
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Inverted Index

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Authors: Nicola Calabrese, Giacomo Ruà and Zain Ullah

Course: Masters in Data Science

This README.md File will guide you about the files and their functionality for HOMEWORK 3 

Repository Files

1. main.ipynb File

This is the main file of the homework, which contains all the required outputs for the program and this file call all the function for the function.py file

2. functions.py file

This is the most technical file which contain all the functionality on the outputs of main.ipynb is based.


Some the files like vocabulary.pkl, Inverted_Index.pkl and ID_with_tfidf.pkl which are called in functions.py file, are actually the pickle dumped files for the models. Which can be access from the given below links

  1. vocabulary.pkl [http://www.mediafire.com/file/6bbti349ifchh1v/vocabulary.pkl/file]
  2. Inverted_Index.pkl [http://www.mediafire.com/file/mejr48vnsz1fzgn/Inverted_Index.pkl/file]
  3. ID_with_tfidf.pkl [http://www.mediafire.com/file/1os27gqv2fdjytu/ID_with_tfidf.pkl/file]