
Vue Calculator example app

Primary LanguageVue


Build Status

Make sure you have the yarn package manager installed https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install


You can just run npm i with the yarn.lock but then the locked files from yarn will not necessarly be respected. this has been tested with yarn and it's comitted yarn.lock file

replace all yarn run commands with npm run if using npm


Works properly if used properly (edge cases are not fully working at the moment)

some known reproducible bugs:

  • repeated presses of certain button combinations create NaN 2x/9= for example tried a few things but it broke other functionality, would have to revisit that
  • float based calculations ie 2.2x2.2 produces 4.840000000000001 this is a javascript thing as far as I know and would likely swap out math helpers with something like mathjs, while overkill it would actually provide proper execution of math stuff. did not want to round as there are different rounding rules and for the purpose of this showcase it seemed like overkill to have dynamic rounding

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn run build

Run your tests

yarn run test

Lints and fixes files

yarn run lint

Run your unit tests

yarn run test:unit

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.