
This is the main website for leapat

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Leapat Logo

Leapat is a youth-led tech initiative founded in early 2024. Our mission is to drive comprehensive digital transformation across key sectors such as the economy, health, education, culture, and art.

Developer Guide


  • Next.js 14
  • Node.js
  • Supabase


Note: develop is the branch for integrating new features, while main is reserved for production-ready code.


  • production: The live environment used by end users.


We welcome contributions to the Leapat website! Please refer to the Contributing to Leapat website guide for detailed instructions.

Leapat UI on Figma

  1. Figma Design - Link 1
  2. Figma Design - Link 2



We are grateful for the contributions and guidance of the following maintainers:

Maged Muhammad Al-jefry
MaJeD BoJaN Muhammad Al-jefry

Feel free to reach out to any of the maintainers for questions or guidance.