
predict the email sending time to let the customer read emails as early as possible

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Prediction of Email Sending Time

In this project, we analyse the relationships between some features and email sending time, build and deploy an machine learningg model to predict the email sending time.



Make sure you have installed all of the following prerequisites on your development machine

pip3 install virtualenv 

Installing packages

Please create an virtual environment before installing required packages:

virtualenv venv

Active your virtual environment:

source venv/bin/activate

Now install required packages with pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Folder Structure

├── requirements.txt                # Python libraries
├── README.md                       # readme
├── report.md                       # working record and discussion
├── 1.EDA.ipynb                     # the notebook to analyse and preprocess data
├── 2.train_test_ml_model.ipynb     # the notebook to train/test machine learning model
├── 3.train_test_dl_model.ipynb     # the note book to train/test deep learning model
├── client.py                       # a client demo to access RES API of DL model
├── model                           # trained models
│   ├── svm_model.pkl               # SVM regression model
│   ├── min_max_scaler.joblib       # for min-max normalization
│   └── dl_model                    # deep learning model
├── data                            # raw and processed data
│   ├── data.csv                    # raw data
│   ├── clean.csv                   # preprocessed data
├── docker_repo                     # docker container
│   ├── time_predict.py             # the flask file
│   ├── requirements.txt            # python libraries
│   ├── Dockerfile                  # docker 
│   ├── dl_model                    # deep learning model 
└── ...

🚀Deploy DL model as REST API with docker and flask

Download and run Docker Image

docker pull zhangqibiao177/time_predict
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 zhangqibiao177/time_predict:latest

Aceess the EndPoint via demo

python client.py



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE for details