
A curated list of awesome things and projects built by Algerian developpers.

Awesome Algeria Awesome

A curated list of awesome things and projects built by Algerian developpers.


Open Data


  • Alfanous - Alfanous is an Arabic search engine API provides the simple and advanced search in Quran
  • Cryptili - Cryptili is a lightweight Android app that allows you to encrypt/decrypt messages and send them through a different app.
  • Ji3an - Ji3an is a mobile application for food recipes and cart shopping
  • OpenClass - OpenClass is a web app that promote information sharing through organized workshops.
  • Timgad - Timgad is a kernel Linux Security Module that collects per process and system-wide security protections that are not handled by the core kernel itself

Libraries and Frameworks

  • CSS
    • Hexa A simple and lightweight CSS animation library
  • JavaScript
    • Arli - JavaScript tools for an Arabic development
    • jQuery Ajax Native - jQuery Plugin that adds XHR2 responseType support
    • Nightly.js - A zero dependency JavaScript library for enabling the Dark mode in your UI
    • react-graphql-redux - use GraphQL to query your Redux store
    • Rungen - A generic runtime around async flow in javascript
  • PHP
    • Phyber - Build light-weight lightning-fast PhP applications with Phiber
  • Go
    • Go Arabic - A Go Lang package for dealing with Arabic text
  • C
    • ArduinoSpritzCipher - Spritz library for Arduino, CSPRNG, cryptographic hash and MAC functions, symmetric-key data encryption, and general-purpose functions
    • internet-socket - A library to facilitate the use of internet socket (socket of family PF_INET) in C programming
    • simple-parted - A library to facilitate the use of libparted in C programming, It's used to detect disks and partitions
  • Python
    • Tchamba.random package of functions generating random data (colors, names, jokes, letters..)
  • Other languages
    • Arabic Stremmer - Arabic Light Stemmer is a snowball-based stemming algorithm for Arabic


  • awesome-open-minds awesome useful links, resources and shiny things for CS students, geeks and developers
  • Deniable Encrypted Keys Database - Deniable Encrypted Keys Database (DEKDB) format specifications
  • ESI-Linux - ESI Linux is a linux distribution made for ESI-SBA students particularly,it provides all the necessary tools for their curriculum
  • Mini Express boilerplate - A minimal Express boilerplate with passport user authentication, mongoose and some security setup configured
  • Tamazight Keyboard Layout - Linux tamazight keyboard layout (bouth Tifinagh and Latin)


Your contributions and suggestions are heartily♡ welcome. (✿◠‿◠) PRs are accepted if you're adding a project that:

  • one of his/her main developpers are Algerians
  • is Open Source
  • has been active in the last two years
  • respects our code of conduct
  • The project should have a decent README or be easily usable

These rules could be made stricter over time.
