FastHub is yet another open source GitHub client app but unlike any other app, FastHub built from ground up.
- Offline Mode.
- Browse/Search Repos.
- Watch, Star and Fork Repos.
- Close, Open, Label and Create Issues.
- Close, Open and Label Pull Requests.
- Lock & Unlock conversations on Issues and Pull Requests.
- Comment on Issues, Pull Requests, Commits and Gists
- Edit and Delete Comments.
- Create/Delete Gists.
- View Gists and their files.
- Follow and Unfollow users.
- Search Users, Repos, Issues,Pull Requests and Code.
- Download releases and any sort of files.
- Markdown and code highlighting support.
- Receive notifications.
- Loads more...
- Min SDK(21) but Appcompat is used all the way.
- MVP architecture'd (using Thirtyinch lib) for the easiness of maintaining and following one structure throughout the project.
- Lambda expressions because you know why.
- RxJava & RxAndroid for Retrofit & Background threads.
- Retrofit for consuming rest api.
- SqliteMagic for offline mode.
- Stream API for dealing with
. - JobScheduler using Firebase JobDispatcher for notifications service.
- ButterKnife for views binding.
- Icepick for saving instance of objects.
- Lombok for (getters/setters).
- BottomNavigationView for
navigation. - UIL for image loading.
- AndDown for comments markdown highlighting.
- Toasty for displaying error/success messages.
- CircleImageView for avatar images.
- MatrialTapTargetPrompt for displying guides throughout the app.
- Firebase analytics, crash reporting, ads & messaging. (analytics & messaging not yet implemented.)
- The mighty Android support libs.
You love FastHub? You want new features or bug fixes? Please contribute to the project either by creating PR or submitting an issue ticket.
FastHub contain Ads, but they are disabled by default, you could enable them if you like to support development.
Copyright (C) 2017 Kosh.
Licensed under the GPL-3.0 license (see the LICENSE file).