
Objective of this project is to write a block of code that would dynamically generate random password users input and choices. see the screen shot below:

** See live page at:

This app generates ramdom password. To generate password:

-   click the generate buttom
-   Then you will be prompted with asking you to enter a number between 10 to 64 
-   If you get it wrong you will will repeated ask to enter the specified value or you will be enternally prompted 
-   One the password lenth has been entered you will prompted with series of question which ask you how strong you would like the password to be generated using veries character types
-   Once you (user) satisfied the app requirement then you would be presented with randomly generated string on the screen, wich you can safely use it as your password. 

** See screenshot here:

alt text

** Code Explanation:

*** Setting an empty array which will be populated based on users choice. var arr = []; // console.log(arr);

*** here setting userInput variable to none as I wanted it to be dynamic so when first user inputs value it will set to that otherwise // change value to based on the condition var userInput; userInput = prompt("Enter a number for password between 10 to 64: "); userInput = +(userInput); // here setting user input to number console.log(typeof userInput);

** Below checking if user has inter the correct values within the range then setting the for loop to true and untill the user has enter the right value which then check to see the condition is true, it is true then it breaks out of loop or otherwise it continues to prompt user to enter the right value if (isNaN(userInput) || userInput < 10 || userInput > 64) {

for (; true;) {
  alert("Your input: " + userInput + " Please enter Only numbers between 10 to 64");
  userInput = prompt("Enter a number for password should be at least 10 or more but not more than 64: ");
  userInput = +(userInput);
  console.log("Initial value: ", typeof userInput);
  if (typeof userInput === "number" && userInput >= 10 && userInput <= 64) {
  else { continue; }


*** Write confirms dailog box here and then based on user choice add or remove the characters from the list the Array below hold objects which holds user prompts for their chioce and rightful characters

var userPassCriteria = [

  userChoice: confirm("Do you want special charectors?"),
  characters: specialCharacters
  userChoice: confirm("Do you want your password to have lower cased characters?"),
  characters: lowerCasedCharacters
  userChoice: confirm("Do you want your password to have Numbers?"),
  characters: numericCharacters
  userChoice: confirm("Do your want your password to have Uppder case characters?"),
  characters: upperCasedCharacters


*** Running the loop on the array then checkes the user choices based that choice the characters gets added to the array.
userPassCriteria.forEach(items => {

if (items.userChoice === true) {


*** setting an empty array for the length of characters to be stored var emptArr = [];

for (var i = emptArr.length; i < arr[1]; i++) {

**** IndexRandom gets generates random index numbers for the list array chosen by the user 
var indexRandom = Math.floor(Math.random(arr[0].length) * arr[0].length);
console.log('Random computer choice of index: ', indexRandom);
**** Random selects characters from the arrays which then gets push to empty array  from char variable
var accessRandonArrays = Math.floor(Math.random(arr[0][indexRandom].length) * arr[0][indexRandom].length);
var char = arr[0][indexRandom][accessRandonArrays];


*** Here passing the retured arrays (characters // input, length of password) from users choices to getRandom() as an array to generate random characters var getPasswordOptions_output = getPasswordOptions(); var password = getRandom(getPasswordOptions_output); console.log("testing...", getPasswordOptions_output);

*** Emptyr string holds the invidual letters from the returned array from getRandom() function as string. forEach() loop is used to loop over the arrays and then through each iteration each letters added to stirng to get more readable and frienldy password var finalPass = "";

password.forEach(l => { finalPass += l; }); console.log(finalPass);

*** Finally returning the desired password

If you like please see my script.js file.

Thank you for reading through.