
A weather forcasting app allow you as a traveler to see the weather outlook for multiple cities SO THAT you as the travel can plan a trip accordingly

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This weather dashboard allow you as a traveler to see the weather outlook for multiple cities so that you can plan a trip accordingly and see the forecast of the current weather along with next fives days in an interval of every 3 hours in each day.

Project Repository: (http://github.com)

Over view of the app

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Weather Dashboard feature

  • Search box take a city name
  • Search box in not case sensetive however do type in the correct city name
  • Search history which stored the search history which then can be used to retype and search, simply just click
  • Body has two section:
    • Currend day section at the top which shows the weather for current day
    • Section bellow shows forecasting for the next 3 days in 3 hour interval

Dashboard app logic

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  • Dashbaord take a user request
  • User submits the request
    • Search key gets entered into local databaase
    • Then then API takes the request and gets the weather details and out puts on to the client browser
  • If search history exist
    • user click the search key
    • Value gets passed on to the api and then the result returned gets rendered in the browser

The most satisfying bit of this project is the follow block of code:

I was able to manipulate the date and time string to make the date and time more user friendly before outputting it to the borwser

Line 67 - 69: var dateTime = element.dt_txt;

  var time = dateTime.substring(10, dateTime.length - 3);
  var date = dateTime.substring(0, dateTime.length - (time.length + 2));

Turn the first letter of the search upper case before passing it on to the api and saving it to the local storage

Line 101: userSearchInput = userSearchInput.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + userSearchInput.slice(1);

Finally checking to see if the key exist in the local storange before adding new key to keep the local database clean

Line 111: if ((!existingLocalKey.includes(userSearchInput)) && isTrue) {



Thank you for visiting and happy coding!