Project summary:

Project completed part of an assesment with 3ddigital using HTML, CSS, bootstrap and PHP web technology.

Install Docker

Install Docker Compose

Run docker-compose up in the root of the repo

To access the running project you can then use:



Fork this repo.

Using the JSON data provided in the data folder, create a single page using PHP to display a list of articles and a list of recommended events.

It is up to you to determine the recommended criteria and ordering. But you can assume the user is already logged in and their information is provided in the user.json file.

Please base the design on the provided PSD or PNG.


  • Use LESS or SASS
  • Use Grunt or Gulp to build the LESS/SASS
  • Use Composer and NPM/Bower to manage dependencies

Extra Credit

  • Plot the events on a map (Google Maps/Leaflet)