Sych Assesment Round One


This application is a minimal Next.js based web application that allows users to view posts, search for specific posts, view detailed information about each post, and maintain a personalized list of bookmarked posts with pagination.


  1. Extract Zip

  2. Installing Dependencies

    npm isntall

  3. Running the Application

    npm run dev

Visit the development server at http://localhost:3000.

Application Structure and Component Hierarchy

The Application structure is organized as follows:

pages/: Contains Next.js page components.

index.js: Post Listing Page.
bookmarks.js: Bookmarks Page.
_app.js: Main entry point.

    [id].js: Post Detail Page.

/components: Reusable React components used across different pages.

Layout.js: Common layout components.
PostList.js: Component for rendering a list of posts.
SearchBar.js: Search bar component.
Pagination.js: Pagination component.
PostDetail.js: Component for rendering post details.
Bookmarks.js: Component for rendering bookmarked posts.

styles/: Styling Files

global.css: Global styles.

package.json: Project's installed dependencies

Technical Decisions

Local Storage for Bookmarks

Bookmarked posts are stored in the local storage to provide a simple and persistent way to track user bookmarks across sessions.

Dynamic Routing

Dynamic routing is used to create individual pages for each post, enhancing the user experience and allowing deep linking to specific posts.

Component-Based Structure

The application follows a component-based structure, making it modular and easy to maintain. Each component has a specific responsibility, promoting code reusability.