- Nginxをインストールしたいサーバーにソースをデプロイ
- Nginxをmakeする前にconfigureでモジュールを組み込み
./configure --add-module=/path/to/nginx-json-status-module
でコンパイル- Nginxをmake && make install
詳細は InstallOptions - Nginx Community : を参考にしてみてください
location /nginx_status.js {
json_status on;
json_status_type text/javascript; # Default application/json
access_log off;
- curl http://localhost/nginx_status.js みたいにHTTPでアクセスする
2014/09/16 - 初版
ORIGINAL SOURCE - nginx-json-status-module
Nginx json_status module A version of the Nginx HTTP stub status module that outputs in JSON format
WARNING: This code WILL eat your cat, crash your server and send your bank details to random Nigerian email addresses. Run at your own risk.
Compiling into Nginx: ./configure --add-module=/path/to/nginx-json-status-module
Configuration: In your nginx.conf:
location /nginx_status.js { json_status on; json_status_type text/javascript; # Default application/json access_log off; }
Example output - /nginx_status.js: {active:1,accepts:1,handled:1,requests:5,reading:0,writing:1,waiting:0}
Callback support - /nginx_status.js?callback=do_funky_stuff: do_funky_stuff({active:1,accepts:1,handled:1,requests:5,reading:0,writing:1,waiting:0});