Class tools for overview of MITRE ATT&CK®

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Class tools for overview of MITRE ATT&CK®

Use my image OR Build your own


Downloading during class - do a quick calculation before starting - ON a 1Gb connection = 30min.

This may interupt your class interaction

You have been warned... no whining

Use my image

This file is a full Windows 2k12 image 6.4GB - it has no license. It will shut down after one hour of boot time


Fast setup - the image has all the preconfigurations

Easy setup = open the github in lab machine

You need these websites open on your 2k12 for your lab steps

* https://github.com/redcanaryco/invoke-atomicredteam/wiki/Installing-Invoke-AtomicRedTeam
* https://mitre-attack.github.io/attack-navigator/
* https://atomicredteam.io/atomics/
* https://github.com/deanbushmiller/ATTACK

Build your own

Install Win2K12r2

Configure setup

  • Install Chrome
  • Update chrome://net-internals/#hsts add github.com and include subdomains.
  • This will permit chrome to access hsts sites
  • Install Office 2013 Word & Excel
  • Install version 10 of PDF viewer

Powershell 5 files download

Install Atomic Red Team wiki

Lab - general problems in lab

If you close your powershell window

  • You must re-set path
  • Import-Module "C:\AtomicRedTeam\invoke-atomicredteam\Invoke-AtomicRedTeam.psd1" -Force

When in lab Always do these steps or you will be sad

1. Read ATTACK- link, Read Atomic link, then execute
2. Getprereqs, Invoke-AtomicTest T####.### -GetPrereqs
3. Close extra command prompt windows

Up arrow is your friend in powershell commnad line

For Lab T1555.003-6 Prereq install Firefox first