
Server tools for 7 days to die dedicated servers

Primary LanguageC#


Server tools for 7 days to die dedicated servers


Go to https://github.com/dmustanger/7dtd-ServerTools/releases
Download and extract the files.
Copy the Mods folder to the root directory of your sever.
Start the server. The mod will auto create the config file in the game save directory. Enable each part of the mod you want via ..\your game save directory\ServerTools\ServerToolsConfig.xml
Once a module is enabled if it has a config it will auto create them in the ServerTools folder.

Current Features

Custom chat commands with custom color. Add your own commands via config. All commands are added to the chat commands /commands /info /help automatically. All chat commands can use "!" or "/". If "/gimme" is used it returns a private message to the player. If "!gimme" is used it returns a message to the entire server.

/Gimme with adjustable timer and items via config.

/Killme with adjustable timer via config.

/home /sethome /delhome with adjustable timer for /home via config.

High ping kicker with ping immunity. Can add players to the immunity list via config or console command. Can also set it so that it takes samples before a kick occurs. If you set SamplesNeeded to 2 in the config, a player would have to have a high ping for 2 checks before the player is kicked.

Ban or kick players for invalid items/blocks in their inventory such as reinforced concrete blocks. Select what items/blocks are invalid via config.

Alert players of Invalid Item stack numbers in their inventory.

Chat logger. Saves all ingame chat to a log file in the game save directory.

Bad word filter. Replaces bad words with "*****". Can add bad words via config.

Motd adjustable via config.

InfoTicker/Scrolling messages adjustable via config.

Auto save the world every x amount of minutes adjustable via config.

Watchlist You can add suspect players to this list and when they join the server it will alert any online admins that they are online.

All chat responses can be edited via config.

Admin chat commands @admins @all /mute /unmute. @admins <message> will send a message to all admins and only admins can use this command. @all <message> is just like a say command. /mute <playerName> will keep said player from posting in the chat. /unmute <playerName> will allow the player to post in the chat again.

Clan Tag Protection. Only the person that created the clan can delete the clan and promote/demote members to/from officers. Only clan owners and officers can invite and remove members.
to make a clan type /clanadd <clanTag>
to delete a clan type /clandel
to add members type /claninvite <playerName>
to remove a member type /clanremove <playerName>
to promote a member to officer type /clanpromote <playerName>
to demote a member from officer to member type /clandemote <playerName>
to accept a clan invite type /clanaccept
to decline a clan invite type /clandecline
to leave a clan type /clanleave

Chat commands /pm or /w for players to pm other players.
Usage: /w <playername> <message> or /pm <playername> <message>

Admin name coloring and prefixes

Console command to stop the game server. Usage: stopserver <minutes>

Console command to remove a entity. Usage: entityremove <entityId>

Console command to reset a players profile. Usage: rp <steamId> or resetplayer <steamId>