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React + MobX State Tree & GraphQL Logo

About React + MobX State Tree & GraphQL

This project was initially built to test the latest features of the awesome MobX State Tree and GraphQL. The React part of this project is based on the latest Create React App stable release (check their docs for further knowledge).


The purpose of this project is only intended for learning. It's not intended to be a commercial product or any other related kind of stuff. This is Open Source so you should feel free to use it and modify it as you wanted. In fact, I encourage you to modify the structure or how I do things to fit your needs and the way you handle things, just set it to be comfortable to you.

TLDR: How To

  1. git clone https://github.com/zaktus/githuber.git
  2. githuber
  3. npm install or yarn
  4. npm start or yarn start

Production Builds

Because this project is based on Create React App, you have all the CRA available commands and the build process is delegated to them. Simply run npm run build or yarn build and the build process will being and, at the end of it, you'll have a dist folder with your SPA ready to be deployed as a static website at any host.

Built with

This project is being used in:



Based on react-mobx-state-tree by Alex Casillas