
WebWorkers (threads) for NativeScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

npm npm npm


NativeScript WebWorkers (threads) for Android and iOS


This is released under the MIT License, meaning you are free to include this in any type of program -- However for entities that need a support contract, changes, enhancements and/or a commercial license please contact me at http://nativescript.tools.

I also do contract work; so if you have a module you want built for NativeScript (or any other software projects) feel free to contact me nathan@master-technology.com.

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Please note The WebWorker environment is a LIMITED JavaScript shell. It does have AJAX/HTTP(s) ability; but it does NOT have any access to any of the NativeScript api. It also does not have any access to the Native iOS or Android api's. It is strictly a JS thread. In addition at this moment "ImportScripts" has not been implemented. It should be fairly easy to implement; and if anyone wants to do a pull request to implement this; I'd be happy to add it to the code that gets injected into the environment.

If the device has more than one CPU; the Worker threads should not impact the main NativeScript thread. However, if the device only has one CPU; and depending on how busy you make the worker, it will impact the primary NativeScript thread.


Run tns plugin add nativescript-webworkers in your ROOT directory of your project.


To use the module you must first require() it:

var WebWorker = require( 'nativescript-webworkers' );

var myWorker = new Worker('~/web.worker.js'); // i.e. the Standard Browser way
// -- or --
var myWorker = new WebWorker('~/web.worker.js'); // i.e. using the WebWorker variable returned by the require statement.

NativeScript environment


####.onmessage(data) This will have the JSON object that was sent from the worker

####.onerror This will have any errors that occured (this may be unreliable; as not all errors can be tracked properly)

####.onready This is fired when the webworker environment is ready to go.
This is NOT a standard webworker function


####.postMessage(data) This posts the message into the webworker environment ####.terminate() This terminates the webworker environment; after this is ran; DO NOT attempt to continue doing anything on this webworker.

WebWorker Environment


####onmessage(data) The function that gets any messages from the NativeScript environment

####onready() This function will get called if it exists once the webworker is able to communicate with the NativeScript host. This is NOT a standard webworker function


####postMessage(data) The function you use to send message back to the NativeScript environment

####close() Terminates this environment


NativeScript code:

  require( 'nativescript-webworkers' );
  var myWorker = new Worker('~/test.worker.js');
  myWorker.onmessage = function(m) { console.log("Webworker said:", m); };


  onmessage = function(m) {
    console.log("NativeScript said" + m);	
  onready = function() {