L2T: Learn to Teach, Teach to Learn aims to bring the human equation back to remote-learning through a user engagement strategy that validates understanding with project-based mentoring.
In the process of sharing knowledge with open-sourced projects, they become part of an expert-verified wiki, free for anyone to come and learn from.
Inspired by the Feynman technique, L2T combines the content-generation model of platforms like Youtube, Quora, or StackOverflow with the matching capability of platforms like Uber to better facilitate and organize the understanding **of the worlds knowledge.
10 years in the making
Before I attended Florida International University in Miami, I was inspired by the idea to teach guitar. I asked myself.. how did I really learn it? I found the best feedback from friends and family who validated what I was learning, corrected me if something was wrong, showed me new tips or tricks.
So I went to college, studied electrical engineering, graduated into product design and development and the question always bugged me - how can we recreate this experience and sustain it?
When COVID-19 hit, I had the opportunity to study and explore the field of self-organizing design, and through that the answer surfaced: validators.
Validators are both teachers and mentors, and in L2T they mentor learners with small projects.
Their time is not free, it costs tokens, and learners are given tokens up to a point that if they want to continue receiving this mentorship, they have to:
- Buy more tokens
- Curate or add new projects to the wiki
- Validate newer students, becoming teachers themselves
Certification and Matching
In this process of validation students become certified and this critical in our ability to match.
For example, if someone on the platform needs help with building a web app in Flutter, we can instantly match them to an available user who has already built web apps in Flutter.
Beyond L2T, these certifications can serve as a resume which can help students get jobs, apply to college, or even fuel an 'Uber of Learning,' where companies who needs help with X,YZ can match with users who have verifiably completed X,Y,Z.
Expert-Moderated Wiki
This process connects real-world problems to real-world solvers and generates a valuable community resource. I like to describe it with a plant metaphor.
New subjects are seeded by experts, facilitated by experts, and through validation help generate soon-to-be experts that continue to grow this body of knowledge.
Big Picture
L2T truly fosters a connectedness that is missing in the current remote-learning. Through this token ecosystem, we can fuel an unparalleled matching capability.
In doing so, the users curate a wiki that organizes the worlds knowledge in a sustainable, simple, and above all actionable platform.