
Black Ocean is a dark theme for vscode with blues and greens. Heavily inspired by / based on Dayle Rees's work on Rainglow.

MIT LicenseMIT

Black Ocean Theme for VSCode

Visual Studio Marketplace Installs Rating


Black Ocean is a dark theme for vscode with blues and greens. Heavily inspired by / based on Dayle Rees's work on Rainglow.

Easy Installation

To install the extension, just use the extensions tab within VS Code and search for 'Black Ocean'.

Manual Installation

Clone the repository into ~/.vscode/extensions and restart the editor.



  • Consolidates similar colors to lower the amount of unique colors used in the theme from around 50 down to 20. Some minor color differences may be noticed.
  • change terminal background color to match other tabs in the lower panel.
  • brown color seen in markdown files changed to a cyan/blue, as it didnt fit with the rest of the theme.


  • adds demo files
  • allow all versions of vscode to use the theme
  • remove invalid/deprecated keys
  • change font from normal to italic for function arguments
  • minor fixes and improvements


  • initial release

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