
Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is the source code for the Among Us in Isaac mod, a multiplayer recreation of the popular game Among Us, but using the Binding of Isaac: Repentance engine.

How to Play

See the Steam workshop page for more information on how to play the mod.

Technical Information

Installation for Development (Windows)

Are you interested in helping with development? Then fork the repository, make some changes, and submit a pull request. Full instructions for setting up a local development environment are listed below.

1) Clone the Repository

  • Before working with this repository, you should first become a familiar with IsaacScript. Follow the steps on the IsaacScript getting started documentation. Once you have created a test mod and verified in-game that everything works the way it should, read on.
  • Download and install Git, if you don't have it already.
  • Open a new command prompt window. (Or, feel free to use Windows Terminal, PowerShell, Git Bash, etc.)
  • Configure Git, if you have not done so already:
    • git config --global user.name "Your_Username"
    • git config --global user.email "your@email.com"
  • Fork the repository by clicking on the button in the top-right-hand-corner of the repository page.
  • Clone your forked repository:
    • cd [the path where you want the code to live] (optional)
    • If you already have an SSH key pair and have the public key attached to your GitHub profile, then use the following command to clone the repository via SSH:
      • git clone git@github.com:YourUsername/racing-plus.git
      • (Replace "YourUsername" with your GitHub username.)
    • If you do not already have an SSH key pair, then use the following command to clone the repository via HTTPS:
      • git clone https://github.com/YourUsername/racing-plus.git
      • (Replace "YourUsername" with your GitHub username.)
  • Enter the cloned repository:
    • cd isaac-among-us

2) Install Dependencies

  • Install Yarn, if you have not done so already:
    • npm install --global yarn
  • Install dependencies:
    • yarn install

3) Change the Development Constants

  • In "packages/common/constants.ts", change IS_DEV to true.
  • In "packages/mod/constants.ts", change USE_LOCAL_NETWORK to true.
  • In "packages/mod/constants.ts", change REMOTE_HOSTNAME to your IP address.

4) Install and Run the Mod

  • Unsubscribe from the mod on the Steam Workshop, so that the "real" version of the mod will not interfere with your development version. Additionally, make sure that all of the Among Us mod directories have been purged from your system.
  • Run IsaacScript, which will compile the mod and copy it to your "mods" folder:
    • cd packages/mod
    • npx isaacscript
  • Start The Binding of Isaac: Repentance.

5) Install and Run the Server

  • Download and install PostgreSQL, if you have not done so already.
  • Open a new terminal/shell and navigate to the isaac-among-us project directory.
  • Navigate to the server package:
    • cd packages/server
  • Create a new database and set up a database user:
    • psql -U postgres
      (Or, if you are on Linux, use sudo -u postgres -i and psql.)
    • Enter the password for the "postgres" user that you created during the installation wizard.
    • CREATE DATABASE amongus;;
    • \c amongus
    • CREATE USER amongususer WITH PASSWORD '1234567890';
    • GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE amongus TO amongususer;
    • GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO amongususer;
    • ALTER USER amongususer CREATEDB;
    • \q
  • Set up the environment variables:
    • cp .env.example .env
  • Install the database schema:
    • npx prisma migrate dev --name init
  • Build the server:
    • npx tsc
      (or run "build.sh" if you are in Bash)
  • Run the server:
    • node --require "tsconfig-paths/register" --require "ts-node/register" "./dist/packages/server/src/main.js"
      (or run "run.sh" if you are in Bash)