
The dataset of 'Real-MFF A large realistic multi-focus image dataset with ground truth'

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Real-MFF dataset

The dataset of our Pattern Recognition Letter paper 'Real-MFF A large realistic multi-focus image dataset with ground truth'.

The dataset can be downloaded in GoogleDrive:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UgV_AFmAlzZunaXmyVvoskbhbudr_SQp/view?usp=sharing or BaiduYun: https://pan.baidu.com/s/13WfJ6kxEuaVvOla-OOsx0A Code:q3zz

If you find the dataset helpful in your resarch or work, please cite our paper:

  title={Real-MFF: A large realistic multi-focus image dataset with ground truth},
  author={Zhang, Juncheng and Liao, Qingmin and Liu, Shaojun and Ma, Haoyu and Yang, Wenming and Xue, Jing-Hao},
  journal={Pattern Recognition Letters},