
Create and manage keybindings and commands in a more organized manner, and search them quickly through Telescope

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Create and manage keybindings and commands in a more organized manner, and search them quickly through Telescope.



Change log

Table of Contents


This plugin requires Telescope to be installed.


Plug "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim"
Plug "gfeiyou/command-center.nvim"


use {
  requires = { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" }

Setup and configuration


First, you will need to load this plugin as a Telescope extension. Put this somewhere in your config:


Then, you can open command-center by calling :Telescope command_center. I also use the following keybinding:

vim.cmd "nnoremap <leader>fc <cmd>Telescope command_center<cr>"

And, of course, the above keybindings can also be created in command-center way. Keep reading the following sections.

Add commands


The function command_center.add does two things:

  1. Register the keybindings (if any)
  2. Add the commands to command_center

You can find an example below:

local command_center = require("command_center")
local noremap = {noremap = true}
local silent_noremap = {noremap = true, silent = true}

    description = "Search inside current buffer",
    cmd = "<CMD>Telescope current_buffer_fuzzy_find<CR>",
    keybindings = { "n", "<leader>fl", noremap },
  },  {
    -- If no descirption is specified, command is used to replace descirption by default
    -- You can change this behavior in settigns
    cmd = "<CMD>Telescope find_files<CR>",
    keybindings = { "n", "<leader>ff", noremap },
  }, {
    -- If no keybindings specified, no keybindings will be displayed or registered
    description = "Find hidden files",
    cmd = "<CMD>Telescope find_files hidden=true<CR>",
  }, {
    -- You can specify multiple keybindings for the same command ...
    description = "Show document symbols",
    cmd = "<CMD>Telescope lsp_document_symbols<CR>",
    keybindings = {
      {"n", "<leader>ss", noremap},
      {"n", "<leader>ssd", noremap},
  }, {
    -- ... and for different modes
    description = "Show function signaure (hover)",
    cmd = "<CMD>lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()<CR>",
    keybindings = {
      {"n", "K", silent_noremap },
      {"i", "<C-k>", silent_noremap },
  }, {
    -- You can pass in a key sequence as if they were typed in neovim
    description = "My favorite key sequence",
    cmd = "A  -- Add a comment at the end of a line",
    keybindings = {"n", "<leader>Ac", noremap}
  }, {
    -- You can also pass in a lua functions as command
    -- NOTE: binding lua funciton with key only works with neovim 0.7
    description = "Run lua function",
    cmd = function() print("ANONYMOUS LUA FUNCTION") end,
    keybindings = {"n", "<leader>alf", noremap},
  }, {
    -- If no command is specified, then this entry is ignored
    description = "lsp run linter",
    keybindings = {"n", "<leader>sf", noremap},


  • If you are on neovim 0.6, then you can add a Lua function as a cmd and execute it in command_center, but you are not able to register it with a keybinding.

  • If you are on neovim 0.7, then you can both register the Lua function with a keybinding and execute it in command_center.

If you have above snippet in your config, command-center will create your specified keybindings automatically. And calling :Telescope command_center will open a prompt like this.



command_center.add() will add and register the keybindings for you by default. You can use command_center.mode to override this behavior.

mode = {
  ADD_ONLY = 1,

An example usage of command_center.mode:

local command_center = require("command_center")
local noremap = {noremap = true}
local silent_noremap = {noremap = true, silent = true}

-- Set the keybindings for the comand while ignoring them in command-center
-- This allows you to use command-center just as a convenient
-- and organized way to manage your keybinginds
    description = "Find files",
    cmd = "<CMR>telescope find_files<CR>",
    keybindings = { "n", "<leader>ff", noremap },
  }, {
    -- If keybindings is not specified, then this enery is ignored
    -- since there is nothing to register
    description = "Search inside current buffer",
    cmd = "<CMD>Telescope current_buffer_fuzzy_find<CR>",
}, command_center.mode.REGISTER_ONLY)

-- Only add the commands to command-center but not create the keybindings
-- This is helpful if you already registered the keybindings somewhere else
-- and want to avoid set the exact keybindings twice
    -- If keybindings are specified,
    -- then they will still show up in command-center but won't be registered
    description = "Find hidden files",
    cmd = "<CMD>Telescope find_files hidden=true<CR>",
    keybindings = { "n", "<leader>f.f", noremap },
  }, {
    description = "Show document symbols",
    cmd = "<CMD>Telescope lsp_document_symbols<CR>",
  }, {
    -- The mode can be even further overridden within each item
    description = "LSP cdoe actions",
    cmd = "<CMD>Telescope lsp_code_actions<CR>",
    keybinginds = { "n", "<leader>sa", noremap },
    mode = command_center.mode.ADD_AND_REGISTER,
}, command_center.mode.ADD_ONLY)

Above snippet will only register the keybindings for "Find files" and "LSP code actions", but not for others. The resulted command-center looks like this:



You can filter the commands upon invoking :Telescope command_center.

Currently, you can filter either by mode or category. You can find some examples below:

  • Show only commands that has keybindings that work in normal mode
:Telescope command_center mode=n
  • Show only commands that are filtered by category

    :Telescope command_center category=git

    To make this work, you have to first set the category when you add a command. For example:

        description = "Open git diffview",
        cmd = "<CMD>DiffviewOpen<CR>",
        keybindings = { "n", "<leader>gd", noremap },
        category = "git",
      }, {
        description = "Close current git diffview",
        cmd = "<CMD>DiffviewClose<CR>",
        keybindings = { "n", "<leader>gc", noremap },
        category = "git",
      }, {
        description = "Toggle markdown preview",
        cmd = "<CMD>MarkdownPreviewToggle<CR>",
        keybindings = { "n", "<leader>mp", noremap },
        category = "markdown",
    }, command_center.mode.ADD_ONLY)

    (note: the field category will not show up in command_center; it is only used to filter the commands)

  • Or both

:Telescope command_center mode=v category=markdown


You can customize command-center:

local telescope = require("telescope")
local command_center = require("command_center")

telescope.setup {
  extensions = {
    command_center = {
      -- Below are default settings that can be overriden ...

      -- Change what to show on telescope prompt and in which order
      -- Currently support the following three components
      -- Components may repeat
      components = {

      -- Change the separator used to separate each component
      separator = " ",

      -- When set to false,
      -- The description compoenent will be empty if it is not specified
      auto_replace_desc_with_cmd = true,


Example configuration

Below is my personal configuration for command_center. You can use it as a reference.

local telescope = require("telescope")
local command_center = require("command_center")
local noremap = { noremap = true }

    description = "Open command_center",
    cmd = "<CMD>Telescope command_center<CR>",
    keybindings = {
      {"n", "<Leader>fc", noremap},
      {"v", "<Leader>fc", noremap},

      -- If ever hesitate when using telescope start with <leader>f,
      -- also open command center
      {"n", "<Leader>f", noremap},
      {"v", "<Leader>f", noremap},
}, command_center.mode.REGISTER_ONLY)

telescope.setup {
  extensions = {
    command_center = {
      components = {
        -- command_center.component.COMMAND,
      auto_replace_desc_with_cmd = false,


Related Projects


  • Implement filter at the time of invoking :Telescope Commmand_Center
  • Enable adding commands using a similiar format to nvim_set_keymap