Connects to the Streamlabs Socket API to parse incoming events and sends them to a queue.
The events are never consumed in this proof of concept.
$ git clone
$ cd streamlabs-producer
$ go mod download
$ export STREAMLABS_SOCKET_TOKEN=<your token> # required
$ docker run --rm -d \
--hostname my-rabbit \
--name streamaze-rabbit \
-p 15672:15672 \
-p 5672:5672 \
rabbitmq:3-management # run a temporary RabbitMQ container
$ go run cmd/socketrabbit.go
You can navigate to the Streamlabs Alert Box page to test the connection. You should see the events being printed to the console.
Navigate to localhost:15672
to see the RabbitMQ management console. The default
username and password are both guest
. You should be able to see the queue
and the messages that were sent to it.