Custom Quest Expiration
Change the Daily Quest expiration (make it never expire, expire after 5 days, etc)
Make any tile tillable (so you can use your hoe on it)
Better Junimos
Allow your junimos (from junimo huts) to automatically plant seeds, fertilize, and much more!
Custom Abilities
RegisterJunimoAbility(IJunimoAbility junimoAbility) // add a custom Junimo ability
* Provides abilities for Junimos
public interface IJunimoAbility {
* What is the name of this ability
String AbilityName();
* Is the action available at the position? E.g. is the crop ready to harvest
bool IsActionAvailable(Farm farm, Vector2 pos);
* Action to take if it is available, return false if action failed
bool PerformAction(Farm farm, Vector2 pos, JunimoHarvester junimo, Chest chest);
* Does this action require an item (SObject.SeedsCategory, etc)?
* Return 0 if no item needed
int RequiredItem();
Other Functions
GetJunimoHutMaxRadius() // int: max radius
GetJunimoHutMaxJunimos() // int: max junimos
GetJunimoAbilities() // Dictionary<string, bool>: enabled abilities
GetWereJunimosPaidToday() // bool: did the user pay the junimos today