This project is a basic identity provider developed using Laravel Framework. The user authentication is based on JWT standard. It is possible use a single sign-on point to log-in users of several application.
It is possible to integrate the single sign-on in an existing project in few steps. Protect your route with a middleware that checks if the user exists in the session. If the user is not in the session redirect the user to the IDP login. After the login success the IDP will redirect the user to the application passing a token. The application must use that token to retrieve the user data.
- Clone the project
- Duplicate the file .env.example and change the name in .env
- In the root the project execute
composer install
- In the project root execute the command
php artisan key:generate
- Set a secret key (for jwt authentication) executing from command line
php artisan jwt:secret
- Create passport keys (for api authentication) executing from command line
php artisan passport:install
- Compile vuejs view with yarn and use
yarn dev
(or usenpm run dev
with npm)
GET Requests
- /loginForm shows the IDP login form. Parameter: "redirect".
- /v1/user retrieve the user data by token. Parameters: "token"
- /v1/logout logout
POST Requests
- /v2/login login the user into the application. Parameters: "username" and "password".
There is 1 default views: login form. There is also an admin section (/admin) through which you can manage idp system; the view is available for "ADMIN_IDP" user-role.
The IDP manages users using 3 table: users, users_roles, roles. In the users tables are stored basic users data like email, password, name, surname, is_verified. Each user can have a role or many roles associated; it can be usefull in a context with RBAC (Role-based access control).
"user": {
"id": 1,
"email": "",
"is_verified": 1,
"name": "Mario",
"surname": "Rossi",
"created_at": "2018-09-14 12:30:20",
"updated_at": null,
"roles": [
"roleId": 1,
"roleName": "USER"
"roleId": 2,
"roleName": "ADMIN"