
A markdown to pdf converter

Primary LanguageTeX


MD-to-PDF is a toolkit to convert a markdown file into a PDF file using a LaTeX template.


LaTeX renderer

The compilation script should be adapted to your system depending on the LaTeX installation, on my current installation I use MikTex, so I can compile a LaTeX file into PDF using the command

texify --pdf -q --clean --engine=xetex main.tex

Since the template uses custom fonts you should use XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX to compile the template. If you are using a different LaTeX distribution, you should adapt the template.


The template uses the fonts EB Garamond and Source Code Pro, so those should be installed on your computer.

SVG rendering

If you want to embed SVG images in your markdown file, you need to install the Inkscape terminal tools and add them to your PATH. On MacOS you can use

brew install inkscape


./md-to-pdf document.md document.pdf