
A game engine created to learn development with C++ and SDL2 for an A-Level Computer Science project.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Warspite Engine


A game engine that has been built using SDL2 and C++.

Built for the purpose of learning C++ and SDL2 as well as for my project for A-Level Computer Science.

Azure Pipelines builds Codefactor
Build Status CodeFactor


Binaries can be found under the releases.

Engine Tools

The source code for the engine's tools can be found here.

How to build



  • CMake 3.8 (or higher)
  • Visual Studio 2019 (or higher)
    • Desktop Development C++ must be installed when installing
  1. Run Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned in an elevated Powershell prompt to allow execution of the build script
  2. Run build-deps.ps1, which use Vcpkg to install and build all required dependencies
  3. In a command prompt window, navigate to build and run cmake --build . --config <Debug/Release> -j4 (Replace <Debug/Release> with Debug or Release as required.)
  4. Run ws.exe found in the Debug or Release in the build directory.



  • CMake 3.8 (or higher)
  • build-essential (or equivalent on your distribution)
  1. Run build-deps.sh to install build dependencies and to create the build directory.
  2. Run build.sh to build the engine. (Change the target to the desired in build.sh)
  3. Run ws in the Debug or Release in the build directory.