
regex escaper

Primary LanguageC

regex escaper

   \\  \\\\    \\\\      \\\\\\    \\\\      \\\\\\    \\\\\\   
  \\\\      \\\\\\\\  \\    \\  \\\\\\\\  \\\\      \\          
 \\        \\        \\    \\  \\            \\\\  \\           
\\          \\\\\\    \\\\\\    \\\\\\  \\\\\\      \\\\\\      

What does regesc do?

regesc takes in a string from stdin and prints out an \escaped version, for use as a regular expression. This is useful if you have text containing a lot of special regex characters and wish to escape all of them so that your string can be used as a "literal" regex string, or be ready for modifications into a more complex regex, without having to manually escape everything yourself.


$ regesc
/he\\o! this i$ a rea||y (bad) [string] t+o ^USE? as {1} regu*lar e><pression.
\/he\\\\o! this i\$ a rea\|\|y \(bad\) \[string\] t\+o \^USE\? as \{1\} regu\*lar e><pression\.

or, if from a file: regesc < infile > outfile