
Migrate UTXOs from one blackcoin address to another.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node js script to migrate UTXOs to a new address.

  • This script will find all unspent UTXOs, and sort them by address.
  • It will then prompt you with a list of the found addresses.
  • After selecting an address, enter the address you would like to migrate to.


  • Node JS
  • Blackcoin RPC server

How to run

Enter RPC host, port, user, and pass in config.js.

run npm install

run node src/index.js


If sendFrom and sendTo are passed as arguments, the script will run without user interaction. example:

node index.js --sendFrom='BF4HmRXfx5Vu6CF9ACW1txRUidqGGHMH64' --sendTo='B8YyHfCd6Kf1Zr68BriWKTbTuPUAQacnr1'

You can specify the minimum utxo size to send. Default is 100000000 (1 BLK). example:

node index.js --minUtxoSize=100000000

Known Issue

Sometimes the script will fail with the following error while signing raw txns. Running it a second time seems to fix the issue.

signRawTxn Error: Invalid params, response status code: 500 at IncomingMessage. (/migrate-blk/node_modules/node-blackcoin/lib/jsonrpc.js:79:17) at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:326:22) at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1252:12) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:80:21) { code: -32602 } Error signing raw transaction: