
Vanilla JS application for telegram contest

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Base single page application for telegram contest.

Virtual DOM

Virtual DOM is a js representation of application nodes tree. Each virtual dom node is a js object for DOMElement or string for text node. Each js-dom object has got attributes:

  • types - the node type that will be rendered
  • attributes - attr object where key is node attribute and value is a value of this attribute
  • children - list of children node values
  • __vnode - true to indicate that this object is vdom object
  • _node - real dom object assigned to current virtual dom node

Valid Virtual DOM objects

const stringNode = 'Hello World';

const simpleJsNode = {
  __vnode: true,
  type: 'h1',
  attributes: {
    class: 'red',
    'data-value': 'some-data-value'
  children: [
    "Hello World", // is a valid vdom node

const nestedJsNode = {
  __vnode: true,
  type: 'ul',
  attributes: {
    class: 'nav nav-bar'
  children: [
      __vnode: true,
      type: 'li',
      attributes: {
        class: 'active'
      children: [
        "Item 1"
      __vnode: true,
      type: 'li',
      children: [
        "Item 2"


Component is a function that returns virtual dom object

BaseComponent is a component that takes whole state of application


MTproto is a protocol that uses by Telegram for communication between clients and telegram servers;

Binary serialization

Instead of common text serialization that used by most of HTTP-base APIs Telegram uses its own binary serialization by schema https://core.telegram.org/schema

utils/mtproto/tl.dumps() - dumps js object into ArrayBuffer by Telegrams binary serialization scheme

utils/mtproto/tl.loads() - loads js object from ArrayBuffer by Telegrams binary serialization schema

API Reference

utils/vdom/isVNode(object, deep=False) - checks is passed object is valid virtual dom object or not. if deep=True then validate each children

utils/vdom/createElement(type, attributes, childrens) - creates virtual dom object with valid vdom children

utils/vdom/render(parentNode, vNode) - renders vNode to parrent node

utils/vdom/isVNodesEqual(aVNode, bVNode) - compares to vNodes they are equal with same attrs and same types

utils/vdom/isVNodesSame(aVNode, bVNode) - vNodes are the same if they have same type and same id or haven`t got it

utils/vdom/mount(root$, baseComponent, initialState) - renders base component and state to root element and returns function that could update vNodes with new state value.