
Task for webchallenge.me

Primary LanguagePython


Task for webchallenge.me


For backend you need to have:

  • Redis
  • Rabbitmq
  • Postgresql
  • libmagic
  • python

Actions to run backend

  • Create virtual env mkvirtualenv webchallenge
  • Setup requirements pip isntall -r backend/backend/requirements.txt
  • copy backend/backend/local_settings.py.sample to backend/backend/local_settings.py
  • edit backend/backend/local_settings.py to use your redit, rabbitmq, postgres
  • go to backend cd backend
  • start one or several celery processes celery -A backend worker --loglevel=INFO --concurrency=10 -n worker1.%h where -n - name of the worker
  • start django-server ./manage.py rusnerver

Api available at: localhost:8000/api/v1/ Docs available at: localhost:8000/docs/


For frontend you need to have:

  • nodejs

Client available at: localhost:3000/

Actions to run cliento

  • go to client cd client
  • setup project npm install
  • start project gulp watch