The Fall Guy Production Logo Animation
- Render the animation to ./RenderResult/0001.png ...etc...
- Go there...
- Use ffmpeg to convert the PNGs to mp4
- BeAware: mp4 looses transparency of PNGs...
ffmpeg -r 24 -i %04d.png -vcodec libx264 -crf 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p RenderResult.mp4
- -r 24 -- FrameRate of InputFiles
- -i %04d.png -- InputFiles masked %04d (FourDigitsZeroPadded.png) in current dir
- -vcodec libx264 -- CodecLibrary
- -crf 25 -- Compression Quality
- -pix_fmt yuv420p -- ColorFormat
- RenderResult.mp4 -- OutputFileName in current dir
- Convert to gif (looses background transparency, thus mix in a desired background...)
- Scale down to x=320 y=KeepAspect (aka Follow)
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i ../bg.png -r 24 -i %04d.png -filter_complex "overlay=0:0:shortest=1,scale=320:-1" RenderResult.gif
- ...
- -loop 1 -i ../bg.png -- Loop over 1 frame of this input file...
- ...
- -filter_complex "overlay=0:0:shortest=1,scale=320:-1"
- overlay=0:0:shortest=1 -- Overlay both inputs at x0:y0 and make clear which input is the shortest
- scale=320:-1 -- ScaleDown to x320:yKeepAspect
- ...