
Create Docker image to understand the concept

Primary LanguagePython

Start from 0

  1. Create environment: terminal pipenv --python 3.7 pipenv shell enter the virtual environment

  2. That will create Pipfile file containing: ''' [[source]] name = "pypi" url = "https://pypi.org/simple" verify_ssl = true

         python_version = "3.7"
  3. add django to Pipfile under [requires]: django = "==2.2.0"

  4. pipenv install that install the required packaches

  5. Create django project: django-admin startproject whatsonme

  6. ???????? not worked until: pipenv install django

  7. migrate database the basic: python manage.py migrate

  8. run the server: python manage.py runserver

  9. Create the app: "auth_app" python manage.py startapp auth_api install psycopg2 for database bindings to PostgreSQL

#####Put the project on Docker: 10. Change to postgres db: 11. change the settings to use the postgres: ''' DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', 'NAME': 'postgres', 'USER': 'postgres', 'HOST': 'db', # will take from docker-compose.yml 'PORT': 5432 } } '''

....etc . . . . . . . . . .


  1. run the docker file from the directory containes the Dockerfile: docker-compose up --build it will reach to the point of running the server and run 2 containers: - whatsonme_web_1 - whatsonme_db_1
  2. to create a superuser: -stop the containers: docker-compose down
    • create the superuser: docker-compose run web python /code/manage.py createsuperuser fill... then: docker-compose up --build will auto migrate and run the server


if not available on the system: brew install make

the available orders:

  1. make start start the container

  2. make stop stop the container

  3. make restart restart the container

  4. make superuser create the superuser for the project

  5. make db connect to the database psql

Transform the model data into API

Using Django Rest Framework:

  • Serializer: transform the data into JSON
  1. add the djangorestframework to the Pipfile to install it. the problem is the Pipfile will install it but didn't update the Pipfile.lock to solve this but i think it is not the right way: insert this line in Dockerfile to install djangorestframework then the .lock file will be updated RUN pipenv install djangorestframework
  2. add rest_framework to the INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py
  3. create serializers.py file inside the app (auth_api)
  4. using Django RESTful Framework generic views instead of custom views and template because it is just API and they are pre-built views
  5. update auth_api/views.py to include generic views and create list_view and details_view
  6. the project's url point to the auth_api path
  7. update the app url
  8. the API supports CRUD

Use Django built-in auth app

Using this app as users for login/logout

  • The path will be /users/home, /users/login
  1. modify the project urls.py file to include path('users/', include(django.contrib.auth.urls))
  2. create template folder and inside of it registration folder that will including the teplates for the users view urls
  3. the login.html template will include the login template {{ form.as_p }}
  4. add the path to the templates folder in the setttings file
  5. add LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/' to redirect the success login to
  6. create basic, home pages to login logout and modify the login template that will extend the base page
  7. in the url.py we will use the generic.base template and connect our home page with it

Using this app as users for register(sign-up)

  • now we need to create view and url so we create an app for that (users)
  1. create a new app (users) docker-compose exec web /usr/local/bin/python3 manage.py startapp users
  2. add urls.py to the app
  3. include the app in the settings installed apps
  4. point to the app in the project urls.py add the path above the built in path that created for login/out that it will go the first path appeared (because they have the same path name 'users/')
  5. in the views:
    ''' Using reverse_lazy instead of reverse? The reason is that for all generic class-based views the urls are not loaded when the file is imported, so we have to use the lazy form of reverse to load them later when they’re available. '''
  6. create the template for signup (signup.html)
  7. to signup go to

Reset Password:

  1. save sent mails to file temporarly (future by mail settings) set EMAIL_BACKEND and EMAIL_FILE_PATH
  2. the path is users/password_reset
  3. create templates: password_reset_form.html password_reset_done.html password_reset_confirm.html password_reset_complete.html
  4. put the built in url in the home page: {% url 'password_reset' %}
  5. when request restart a file created inside the folder sent_email containing the email that will be sent including the link to reset the password. it works

Create custom User based on the built in user

this will improve the ability of authentication with custome user


  1. delete migration files
  2. Drop the database
  3. in the mode create a class User(AbstractUser)
  4. change the default user to custome user in settings: AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'users.User'
  5. create signup form (SignUpForm) in the app