Project: whatsonjordan Description: to list all the events that focuses on youth ages from 5 to 17 years old. three parts of the prject:

  1. public: list all the available events, if the user intrested on one of the events he/she can register for the event if they have already registered in the application, otherwise they need to register by email, password, phone (stag1 one, for stage two we could add the location also).

  2. for the logged in users: shows a welcome page and the events that particular user register for it ( on stage two: add a folowing up procedure and the reminder about the events dates).

  3. for an events makers: 3-1 if the events maker is new he/she should register first and fill the details of them as email password contact information and other important details. 3-2 if the events maker was already registered he/she could login with the username and password. after the maker logged in he could go to his/her special page part of it is the profile sector that allows them to edit thier contacts and other things. another part is for the announced list of events, another part for the list of the expired events that they could reannounce in the future to avoide creating events from scratch and to make life easy.


  • Create the home page
  • Add navbar
  • Create user login
  • Create user register
  • Create user profile page
  • Create login maker
  • Create register maker
  • Create maker profile page
  • Create events page
  • view events related to each logged in maker on the profile page
  • Create add event page for the logged in maker after he/she logged in


  • Edit particular event.
  • Remove Event from event list by event maker.


  • Add details button to each event lead to the event page details.
  • Create event details page.
  • Add register button on the event details page.
  • If user dosen't logged in the promt user to login or register.
  • User register for particular event from events list.
  • show the registered events on the user profile page.
  • remove previously registered event from user event list.


  • connect to mongoDB
  • refactor events and makers to mongoDB and mongoose


  • refactor user to be on mongoDB and mongoose.


  • fix the registration for event to check first if user already register with the event before.


  • adding passport to user and maker


  • remove the user's id and maker's id from the browser url for more secure.


  • encrypt the password for user and maker with salt and hash.


  • add google authentication.


  • deploy on heroku and connect the database via mLab as addons of heroku.


  • add profile image.


  • rebuild the database to be just one collection for users with multi tags [user, maker, admin, superAdmin].

  • rebuild the login system to be just one login page if the tag is user go to user maker admin profile respectfuly.

  • the admin decided if the user is a maker by add a tag maker to the record.

  • add the validity for each event and add filter to show just the valid events (add events validity for registration on database).

  • redirect the registered user or maker direct to the profile not to the login page.

  • changing the database and the logic:

    • register template
    • registerController
    • user service client
    • user service server
    • user model
    • user schema
    • passport
    • server
    • database
  • add the admin page to manage: [x] a. the registration of the makers. [x] b. confirm the publish of the event after added by the maker.

  • the maker can make payment for each user and to show the balance.

  • add the payment for each user managed by the maker.

  • filter events by the starting date greater than today still not expired

  • now we send email to user directly after register with image logo

  • upload profile image with multer to folder

  • upload / display profile image to/from AWS S3 bucket

  • reset password with email confirmation

  • The ability of update user profile

  • add member to event then count on the makers events list

  • maker can add payments for user event

  • readd the ability of updating uploading profile image

  • calculate payment details on maker view for each member

  • add statement of account for each event on maker view

  • fix the location after update profile and add price to new event

  • maker can do payments and list payments details and take members attendance

  • show payments and attended details on user profile

  • create event details day by day calculating the days of the programs based on the days per week


  • when maker update the event details he can also change the dates of the event.
  • maker can change the days per week.
  • copy the program details for old days and put them in the new days.
  • change the tag of approved and special untill the admin confirm the update.


  • show the upcomming event details from the (event details day by day) for registered members on their profile.


  • use mapbox Maps as an alternative to google maps.
  • show markers on Map.
  • zoome the map to show all the available markers.


  • show the popup on marker when mouse enter and hide it when leave.
  • change the marker symbol to private one.


  • The carousel now is sliding automatically
  • work on the attendance not keep add attendance to the array on the database but filter the attendance if the event is the same and the date is the same just update the attendance not add new on.


  • Fix the error message of incorrect credential login.


  • when update the event by maker the days will displayed so if not updated will still the same.


  • add option when creating new event to have the location from current location or from the map


  • Member can write feedback shown on member profile page and maker event details page.


  • [] Price based on daily price to calculate the registered days then the start and end time event fixed.


  • event maker can give discount for particular user.
  • the discount types are:
    1. Family: for family members give 10%. with a discount tag for the family members calculated with father name and last name with the calculated hour+day+month+year (AwsAhmed02862018);
    2. Group: for group members like fiends give 10%. with a discount tag for the group members the maker should give a special name for the group name should added before the calculated tag that calculated like the family tag.
    3. Special: with four types: special25: give 25% discount, the discount tag will be special25. special50: give 50% discount, the discount tag will be special50. special75: give 75% discount, the discount tag will be special75. special100: give 100% discount, the discount tag will be special100.
  • Payment: 1. select the payment type: DownPayment: The payment amount show the minimum payment calculated as a session price. Weekly: The payment amount show the weekly payment calculated as event price / 4. Full: The payment amount show the balance of the user (the remaining amount).
  • The details now showing: Total payments Balance Event price Discount type Discount Tag
  • The event details now showing: Event Summary: Total of members Total Income from the event Total of Payments Event payments balance


  • huge amendment on the schema that now every user have a userEventParameters that collect each event main parameter, calculate the price for each user based on the discount and the event days for the particular user if he/she register after the event started, collect the attendance, payments, feedbacks, freezeDays.
  • maker have to give discount to calculate userEventParameters if no discount then choose "No discount".
  • the payment calculated based on user discount, eventDays for user.
  • the details show the discount type and tag also.
  • the attendance now in seperate modal, and could taken multiple times throught the day, and it shows the totals.
  • freeze memberShip for each user, the modal will show show the days from today to as a checkbox to select the days the user want to freeze, after submit the user could not freeze again as it once per the event, if he try to do that then the checkboxes will be disabled, for the user that had froze days they will shown on bottomn of the modal.
  • the feedback is workinng just fine.

Payment module: price calculation: . devide event price on days of the event. . select the payment type: weekly then multiply price by days per week or full payment then multiply by days of the event. Discount procedure: . with first payment maker add tag for discount: - siblings tag by adding father name as the tag then this tag affect the price by multiply by 0.9 to discount 10%. - friends tag by adding group tag name from a list [champs, legends, lions, winners, ...] then this tag affect the price by multiply by 0.9 to discount 10%. - special discount price applied by the admin of the event with password field and dicount amount field this amount multiplied by the price.

Todo list:

  • [] check the barcode reader if it doable.

  • [] Admin controll user type (to create the maker).

  • [] add controll to maker to decide taking the member special discount (when make the payment and the balance --> check if there is a discount code putted by the maker on the members list).

  • [] count registered members just if they hav a tag 'paid' which it released when make a payment.

  • [] create a list of members they registered online removed from the list after pay and registered them on the event registered members.

  • [] work on the problem of still access event details by maker although maker signed out?

  • [] profile details about each coach in event.

User actions from starting register for particular evet: - User register for event - the {eventParams} added to user.[userEventParameters] in user database containing: eventId: String, discountType: String, discountTag: String, percentage: Number, eventDays: [String], discountedEventPrice: Number, normalEventPrice: Number, freezeDays: [String], payments: [{date: Date, amount: Number}], attendedDays: [{date: String,attended: Boolean}], feedbacks: [{date: Date, eventName: String, feedback: String}] - maker list the registered members - when user ask maker to officially register by pay for the event the maker steps are: 1. decide if he want to give a discount? if yes: 1. giveADiscount() function will alter. 2. loop a user.userEventParameters search for the eventId, if found check: user.userEventParameters.discountType if null then update the discount type, tag with values else send error. if No: 1. select no discount to fill the userEventParameters with data. 2. Pay: loop a user.userEventParameters search for the eventId, if found: 1. loop user.userEventParameters.payments 2. select the payment date and type. 3. the amount will appear in the textBox below. 4. submit. - datails show user's payments and the totals with the discount type and tag. - maker can tage the attendance for the date throught the same day multiple times even after submit, and the modal will show to totals in the bottomn. - Freeze membership: 1. [x] maker can give a freeze for user membership once through the event by selecting the days the user want to freeze, if the user already had a froze days then the checkboxes of the days will be disabled and note displayed that the user already had a froze days, the froze days appear on the bottomn of the modal. 2. [x] Store the froze members on event frozeMembers Array, and on the userEventParameters. 3. [x] Create a button on the event list for the maker to ReCreate an event, when clicked call the reCreateEvent() function that first step on it is copying the event data and store it in temporary object named reNewedEvent. 4. [x] remove unnecessary properties from the temporary object: _id, created, makerId, special, __v, approved, registeredMembers, discountedMembers, expenses. 5. [x] redirect to the page of creating new event with the modified object (reNewedEvent) to fill the form from it. 6. [x] add originalEventId to the event object to indicate that this is renewed event and the removal of the frozen members will be based on it to solve the problem of on which event the user get back the frozen dates from. 7. [x] next time when user register for the same event recognised by originalEventId if the user have froze days when maker choose the discount type to create the userEventParameters loop on the userEventParameters searching for the originalEventId if the user had frozeDays, if yes; calculate the event days will be with steps: starting from the day that the user register. calculate the discounted price daily and full price. calculate the froze days price by * daily price then deduct the amount from the result remove the froze days from the new event and from the userEventParameters. - [x] creat additional modal to collect expenses by date select the category(salary, hospitality, rental fees, misc) then textbox for details. - [x] create filtered totals to calculate each expense category. - [x] create additional button and modal for the attendance history for each member. - [x] Admin has the ability to choose which comments to be published on the main page. - [x] show the details of the price breakdown to include: original price discounte type discounted price event days daily price registered days froze days froze days amount total event price - [ ] On maker event details page show just paid members and put checkbox to show the unpaid members to make them pay. Notes: 06/Aug/2018 [x] group and family tag to be shown on the discount modal. [x] delete the froze days from the next event. [x] create additional button and modal for the attendance history for each member. [x] creat additional modal to collect expenses by date select the category(salary, hospitality, rental fees) then textbox for details. [x]Admin decided to publish the comments on main page. - create memberShip serial number (today.getFullYear()+serial) Year0001 20180001 continiouse for all members. - report for families and groups for maker tab for family other for groups with members. - export expenses to excel. - fix the Event Summary in maker event details to show totals right at startup. Important: [x] give the maker option to create a new event from previouse one data so the name will be the same

  • User with froze membership should appear disabled on attendance

Notes Oct 22

Registration form. 1. create a link for the parents registrations. 2. filled by the registerer employee. Registration form: [x] player name: first, middle, last. [x] DOB [x] Gender [x] Nationality [x] School name [x] Grade Home address (Map) Parent / Guardian name: first, middle, last. Mobile No. with International code. Secondary / emergency mobile No. [x] Email Please list those people including in addition to parents / guardians who are permitted to pick your child. Name: first, middle, last. Phone: Please list any medical problems including any requireing maintinance medication (i.e. Diabetic, Asthma, Seizures) Child photo

Notes on Oct 30 2018: To add the point with star Each event has the following data: Name Category Subcategory Details Starting date Expiry date Days per week Price Images: 1200x300 ---- 750x450 Address Location on map * Session time from: to: * Category age group

[x] create new page copy from allEvents tweaked the it will accept the maker id on the href like the evenId when click on event to filter the events and show just the specific maker events.

[x] add the terms and conditions to the event details and show them on the registration form [x] add ages from to fields in the schema and then showed in the event details [x] the filter will work on the logged user age automatically. each user see different events based on the DOB. [x] create custom filter for the age accepted by events

[] its the time to test by: [] ceate new event maker [] create new event for three days and make it like real one [] create members with real email (three or more members) [] let the members register for the event [] manage the event for all the event time [] work on all the event options (discount, attendance, feedbak, renew the event, ..... etc)

13 NOV 2018 [] check the barcode reader if it doable. [] check the show just the paid members on maker event details view not working correct when chose the paid then turn the on off button it gives not all members but the unpaid members instead it should show all the members. [] checkbox on members list in the maker view to check if the member receive the outfit with the date. [] system documentation [] schedual to be shown on the maker view list to

25 November 2018 Albakry Notes:

MySql sequelize EC2, RDS: how to deploy on EC2, deploy Node on ec2


  • Install Docker on your computer
  • Setup docker with mysql. Run image and connect to it with your computer


  • Install SequelPro on your computer [done]
  • Connect to the Database from sequelpro [done]

working with sql: [x] create and connect to the mysql database whatsonjordan. [x] create user (initial info email and password with default userType: member) through the signup form. [x] create the userType table and connect it to users table (1:1) [x] create a member on on the same step of creating the user [x] add member id to memberId in users table [x] login registered user (if userType is member include the member details through memberId). [x] create the contact table and connect it to the users table (1:1) [x] create the address table and connect it to the users table (1:1) [x] create the nationality table and connect it to the users table (1:1) [x] create the school table and connect it to the users table (1:1) [x] create the grade table and connect it to the users table (1:1) [x] add resetPasswordToken and resetPasswordExpires column to users table; [x] create the events table [x] create the ageGroup table and connect it to the events table (1:1) [x] create the categories table and connect it to the events table (1:1) [x] edit user profile when edit user profile: 1. [x] call the updateProfile function with the updated profile. 2. [x] on the server call the membersDB to update the member on the server model. 3. [x] on the membersDB the updated items will be (DOB, name, gender, gradeId, nationalityId, schoolId). 4. on the membersDB call the following: [x] addressesDB.updateAddressDetails to update the address details [x] contactsDB.updateContactsDetails to update the contacts details

[x] admin login
[x] admin list all users with userTypeId
[x] filter users by email and userType
[x] add the ability to change the user type from the system by admin
[x] when admin change the userType from user to maker:
	1. check if user already has maker profile
	2. if not have record create maker record on Maker table
	3. connect the maker record with the makerId on user table

[x] maker profile
	registration procedure:
	1. maker register as normal user
	2. admin change the userTypeId from 1(default member) to 2(maker)
	3. when maker login again (now as maker) the system redirect him/her to maker profile (empty).
	4. the maker update the profile 
	5. on update after submit the object including maker details the server do the sane procedure of updating member profile.

[x] maker create new event part 1
	[x] create and connect category table with subcategory
	[x] load all the categories and the subcategories once the create new event fired
	[x] when maker choose category subCategory list will be filtered by the categoryId on subcategory object
	[x] choose age group fom the model.allAgeGroups and set the ageGroupId on the created event

[x] fetch events from the database
[x] to add the ability to the admin to change the user_type (1 user, 2 maker, 3 admin)
[x] member can register to an event

[x] create feedback table, each feedback has memberId eventId and feedback 
	member has many feedbacks 
	event has many feedbacks

[x] the maker have the ability to add new address that will appear each time he create/edit/renew event
	[x] add a button to open a modal for enter new adderss
	[x] after fill the modal store data in temporary object that will send to create a new address on database after submit the event
[x] create a list of addresses for each maker to choose from each time the maker create event or renew one or edit it

[x] Add the same scenario of adding new address and the location for the create a new event or chose from old address.

[x] maker profile -> events list:
	[x] show registered members
	[x] Maker could renew event

[x] its better to make the geolocation on the address table not seperate table.
[x] keep the geolocation table and connect it with the address table (one to one) so when maker create new address he should also create new geolocation.
[x] if the maker choose address from a list set the addressId when creating the event
[x] if the maker creat a new address -> creat address in addressesDB and add geolocation in geolocationsDB and set the geolocationId on the address table instead of set geolocationId in the event.

[x] the logic of creating address and geolocation
	if maker choose address -> we just need the addressId to set on the event
	if maker create new address -> set the newAddressAdded to true -> pass the address object and the geolocation object to create them on the db.
	if maker change his mind and choose the address from the list -> change the newAddressAdded to false in the controller -> pass the addressId

[x] to know the one who created the address:
	1. add field name: createdBy in the address table
	2. when maker create an address we set the created by to be: maker+makerId
	3. when member create an address we set the created by to be: member+memberId
	4. and so on...
	thats help when we want to bring all maker's addresses

[] Maker profile --> events list --> more details:	 		
		[] Event expenses:
			[x] create expenseType table that include all the expense types to selecet from when creating expense
			[x] create expenses table include (details, amount)
			[x] create relation between expense and expenseType (Expense.belongsTo(ExpenseType))
			[x] create a relation between the event and the expenses table (Expense.belongsToMany(Event, {through: 'EventExpense'}))
			[x] restructure the required of the database on all models

			[] add expense to event

			find event by id then foundevent.createExpense(expense)

									New Era

[] Create new database and connect to it.
	[] create auths table (was user): contains (UUID, email, password, resetPasswordToken, resetPasswordExpires)
	[] create roles tables(was user_types): contains (UUID, name)
	[] create join table (x_auths_roles) to set the extra field: 'active: boolean'
	[] connect auths with roles: many-many (auth.belongsToMany(roles, {through: 'x_auths_roles'})): contain (UUID, authId, roleId)

[] Maker profile:
[] Member profile working on:
	Payments, Balance: Attended Days for each event on event list.

[] understnd and use the migration through sequelize-cli
[] re add the medical problem to the database either as table or in the member table
[] get all the schools and save them on the database then the user could choose one from the list
[] when filter the event on all events page the map should list only the filtered evnents

Missed Days:

remaining from user: userEventParameters: [ { _id: false, eventId: String, discountType: String, discountTag: String, percentage: Number, eventDays: [String], discountedEventPrice: Number, normalEventPrice: Number, freezeDays: [String], payments: [ { _id: false, date: Date, amount: Number } ], attendedDays: [ { _id: false, date: String, attended: Boolean } ], }

google: {
    id: String,
    token: String
medical: {
	medicalIssues: String,
	problemDetails: String 
payments: [],
attendedEvents: [],
userFeedback: [],
// totalOfPayments: [],
notes: String,
// additionalInfo: {}

}, {collection: 'users'});