gtask is a terminal todo-list/task collector inspired by taskbook by klaussinani
- Add a new task
- Mark multiple tasks as done & delete them
- Save all issues from github which have been assigned to you as tasks
- And More to come
Run in your terminal
go get
Now we can install it by running:
go install go/src/
Make sure $GOPATH/bin has been exported so you can run the commands from everywhere in your terminal.
- Create a new task
gtask -i "Clean my Room" -cname "home"
Tasks where the category gets not specified are by default assigned to the "default" category
- Create new Task which is due in 2 days and 4 hours
gtask -i "Transfer Money to University" -d 2 -h 4
- Delete tasks specified by ids
gtask -ids 1,2,3,4 -del
- Mark tasks specified by ids as done
gtask -ids 1,2,3,4 -done
- Delete done tasks
gtask -delDone
- Show Tasks
- Show Tasks in a table
gtask -table
- Add a gittoken for downloading issues assigned to you
gtask -gittoken Some40CharsLongToken
- Download all issues assigned to you as a task
gtask -gitissues