
Example of better application structure in the CMS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Minimum requirements: PHP 5.5+, MySQL 5.6+


  • First install GIT (http://git-scm.com/)
  • git clone https://github.com/mrtnzlml/CMS-lite.git
  • Then install Composer (http://getcomposer.org/)
  • composer install (fetches PHP dependencies)
  • Create empty database (MySQL)
  • Rename config.local.neon.dist (in app/config) to config.local.neon and setup database credentials
  • php index.php orm:schema-tool:create (generates database structure)
  • php index.php cms:fixtures:load (loads basic data, after that CMS should work)
  • Install Bower (http://bower.io/, NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/)
  • bower install (fetches JS dependencies)
  • Install Grunt (http://gruntjs.com/)
  • grunt (prepares JS, CSS, fonts, ...), you maybe want to npm install before if you don't have Grunt installed yet

You should run every command form website root directory. Only commands which contains index.php should be executed from www folder.

Another useful commands:

  • php index.php (displays all available commands)
  • php index.php cms:cms:fixtures:load --demo (loads demo data)
  • php index.php orm:schema-tool:update --force (updates database schema)


  • grunt + grunt-contrib packages (concat, copy, cssmin, less, uglify)
  • bootstrap, nette.ajax.js, nette-forms, jquery, selectize
  • nette (application, caching, DI, finder, forms, robot-loader, security, utils)
  • latte, tracy, texy, webloader, minify, faker, secured-links
  • kdyby (doctrine, annotations, console, events, translation, autowired, monolog)
  • doctrine (data-fixtures, migrations, ORM)
  • testbench, nette\tester

Frontend preview

Simple creation of new themes:


Administration preview

Fully customizable administration:
