
General machine learning library for F#

Primary LanguageF#


General machine learning library for F#

Currently in pre alfpha state. Only two algorithms completed as of yet.

Windows only as of now.

This library is intentet to include as many types of Machine Learning as possiple and make it easier to quickly create a program which uses machine learning.

Current work is centered arround:

  • Structured machine learning algorithms
  • Documentation for the completed work such that others might use it

Completed work:

  • Single agen Q learning algorithm
  • K Nearest Neighbours algorithm

Plans for the library:

  • Complete cross platform with no ties to .Net
  • All central algorithms implemented in a general and reusable fashion

Look at the MachineLearningTest project to see examples of use.

Q-learning examples:

  • Fastest route
  • TicTacToe

K Nearest Neighbours examples:

  • DatingSite
  • Digit