
An example mod for Stellaris that shows how to shim in a secondary species with the correct number of Pops.



A sample origin with a secondary species. Demonstrates my "reuse the default initialization" technique.

You may freely reuse and modify this code for use in your own mods.


The code in this example will log things to the game.log file to show you that its code is being called. The default logging results in 5 log lines similar to these when starting a new game:

[14:39:17][effect_impl.cpp:19610]: [2200.1.1] Log command triggered from effect in file: events/my_mod_name_events.txt line: 99. my_mod_name.3 for Uliahtake Star Imperium Test
[14:39:17][effect_impl.cpp:19610]: [2200.1.1] Log command triggered from effect in file: events/my_mod_name_events.txt line: 36. my_mod_name.1 for Uliahtake Star Imperium Test
[14:39:17][effect_impl.cpp:19610]: [2200.1.1] Log command triggered from effect in file: events/my_mod_name_events.txt line: 36. my_mod_name.1 for Uliahtake Star Imperium Test
[14:39:17][effect_impl.cpp:19610]: [2200.1.1] Log command triggered from effect in file: events/my_mod_name_events.txt line: 64. my_mod_name.2 for Uliahtake Star Imperium Test
[14:39:17][effect_impl.cpp:19610]: [2200.1.1] Log command triggered from effect in file: scripted effect generate_origin_my_mod_name_example_start_pops at file: events/my_mod_name_events.txt line: 82 line: 1. generate_origin_my_mod_name_example_start_pops on Vuubate for Uliahtake Star Imperium Test
[14:39:18][effect_impl.cpp:19610]: [2200.1.1] Log command triggered from effect in file: events/my_mod_name_events.txt line: 14. my_mod_name.13


Always check your Stellaris error.log file - it can alert you to many script issues, especially if your syntax or scoping are incorrect.

There is a community-maintained tool called CWTools (Clausewitz Tools - named for the PDS game engine Clausewitz) that can help validated your Stellaris files. The easiest way to use it is to install Microsoft Visual Studio Code (free) and install the CWTools extension directly through Visual Studio Code. It includes the validation rules for the Stellaris flavor of CW script - installing the extension and pointing its settings to your Stellaris folder is the minimal amount of setup needed. The rules are a collorative effort between PDS and the community - if you find any places where the rules are incorrect based on the game's behavior, you are encouraged to submit pull requests: https://github.com/cwtools/cwtools-stellaris-config.