
Full-stack web app to track and organize users' job application submissions. Written in React.js, Node.js, Express.js, and PostgreSQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Trakker is a full-stack web app to track job search. Users can organize their application submissions, interviews and overall job hunt progress.

You can find the project here: https://job-trakker.herokuapp.com/

The project is written in React.js, Node.js, Express.js and PostgreSQL.

Features include:

  • Sign Up form via Auth0
  • Log In form via Auth0
  • Log Out via Auth0
  • Personal board
  • Add new column
  • Create name for new column
  • Add new card
  • Create name for new card
  • Drag and drop cards
  • Delete column
  • Delete card
  • Undo new card input

Setup Instructions:


createdb trakker
run trakker.sql on postgres


cd express-server
npm install
npm start


cd react-client
npm install
npm start

Once both servers are running (Express on port 3001 and React on port 3000), open http://localhost:3000 to view the app in the browser.