
In this repo, there are some figures made by myself. If you use it, please refer to me.


In this repo, there are some figures made by myself. If you use it, please refer to me.


Data is collected from EMDB on May 14, 2015. It demonstrates the percentage of published EM density maps by each EM image data processing software.


Data is collected from EMDB on May 14, 2015. It demonstrates the highest resolution and the average resolution of EM density map by each EM image data processing software.


Data is collected from EMDB on May 14, 2015. It demonstrates the number of EM density maps published in each year.


It demonstrates a normalized sinc function. x ranges from -8 to 8.


Data is collected from EMDB on May 18, 2015. It demonstrates the percentage of published EM density maps at the resolution above 4 angstrom by each EM image data processing software.


It demonstrates the rotation average result of ideal CTF with astigmatism.

  • Size: 512 x 512
  • lambda: 0.01A
  • DF1: 1e4
  • DF2: 2e4
  • ANG: PI / 2
  • Cs: 0


A method developed by me to quantitive measure the quality of motion-correction.

  • Size: 3838 x 3710
  • lambda: 0.0196A
  • DF1: 17963
  • DF2: 18713
  • ANG: 45


The Influence of irradiation injury on FRC of a cryo-EM stack. The stack is a 32-frame movie. Using frames 3-14 as reference, the curve fitting is performed on FRC calculated between the reference and each 3-frame summation, shown in this figure.


This figure demonstrates a pseudo-even speration of a sphere. This sphere is seperated into 1000 pieces, each indicated by a dot in this figure.


This figure demonstrates 2D Gaussian Distribution by 10000 samples. SIGMA1 = 1 SIGMA2 = 1 RHO = 0


This figure demonstrates phi and theta of an uniform distribution on a sphere.


A comparision between the curves of Modified Kaiser Bessel (MKB) function with different alpha.


Lambert Projection (Equal Area Projection) of Uniform Distribution Sphere Sampling.