
Simple blockchain implemented in python with a flask api to interact with it.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a simple blockchain app. It has an api that can be used to interact with it. The details regarding api are given further on.


Just run the app.py file using python3.

╟========API instructions========╟

make requests at https://localhost:5001/ using Postman or curl

/chain [GET] returns the entire blockchain

/last [GET] return only the last block

/mine [GET] used to mine a new block block reward is given to the miner returns: bool: False if the block was not mined block mined if successfully mined /transactions/new [POST] make a new transaction

required fields:
	to: the sender of the currency being transferred.
	from: the reciever of the transaction
	amount: the value being transacted

/transactions/all [GET,POST] view all the transactions

also make a new transaction along with viewing

/nodes/register [POST] used to register new nodes into our list of nodes (i.e. the nodes we are aware of)

required fields:
	node_list:it should contain a list of nodes

returns a node_list containing a list of our known nodes.

/nodes/resolve [GET] used to build consensus among nodes each node's blockchain is checked to find most valid blockchain and consequently swap to using it in case there is a more valid blockchain than ours found,