
UI Bug: Select Filter with Multiple Options Hidden by overflow: hidden CSS in FiltersLayout::BelowContent

Primary LanguagePHP

Title: UI Bug: Select Filter with Multiple Options Hidden by overflow: hidden CSS in FiltersLayout::BelowContent

Description: When using the Select filter component with multiple options enabled in Filament, and setting the filter layout to FiltersLayout::BelowContent, the dropdown containing the options is hidden by CSS overflow: hidden when placed near the bottom of the viewport. This issue makes it impossible to interact with the dropdown.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Set up a Filament table with filters.
  2. Use a Select filter with multiple options enabled.
  3. Set the filter layout to FiltersLayout::BelowContent.
  4. Place the filter near the bottom of the viewport.
  5. Attempt to open the dropdown.

Expected Behavior: The dropdown should either open above the input field if there's no space below or adjust its position to ensure it’s visible.

Actual Behavior: The dropdown is hidden by the CSS overflow: hidden, making it impossible to interact with.

Screenshots: Include screenshots or a screen recording here to visually demonstrate the issue.


  • Filament Version: [Your Filament version]
  • Laravel Version: [Your Laravel version]