Reading 📖
A list of articles and other resources for reference as I discover them.
Table of Contents
- Firebase 🔥
- React native libraries 📚
- React libraries 📚
- Tools 🔧
- Gatsby plugins 🔧
- Rollup plugins
- Next.js resources 📑
- Express middleware 🔩
- Online tools 🔧
- Design resources 🎨
- Frameworks 🌐
- Javascript ✨
- Testing 📋
- Big apps for the real world 🏭
- Websites that look good 💻
- Dope fonts ✒️
- Videos 📺
- Blogs 📰
- Kotlin
- Articles 📇
React native libraries
- Fluid transitions
- Chart kit
- Instant messaging
- Comprihensive calendar library
- Simple effective animations
- Useful progress indicators
- Image Caching
- Async storage wrapper
- React native web
- React native filesystem
- Material dropdown
- Bluetooth lib
- How to enable Hermes engine
- with react native
- Setting up typescript with react native
- AR for react native
- In app purchases for React Native Apps
React libraries
- Scroll reveal
- Shopify storefront boilerplate
- React iFrame
- React grid gallery
- Styled System
- YUP JS Objcet validation
- Isomorphic unfetch (More compact than axios)
- Popmotion Pose
- Canvas animation
- Canvas entity manipulation
- Powerful charting library
- ChartsJS open source charting library
- Framer motion, new version of pop motion animations for react
- FTP Deploy
- Browser animations
- Transition Animations
- Apollo for graphql
- React flow interactive flow diagram building
- Another interactive flow driagram building lib
- FIGfont spec in JavaScript
- Instant free deployment
- Soutem Ui Kit
- Cloudinary upload API
- Memmory usage
- Storybook component manager
- Typora Markdown Editor
Gatsby plugins
Rollup plugins
Next.js resources
- Next routes
- Building a server side rendered app with Next
- Optimized images
- Next css
- Bundle analyzer
- Next auth
Express middleware
Online tools
- Powerful json formatter
- Color tool
- Complimentary color generator
- UI Gradient generator
- Powerful online gif and video editor
- Free stock images
- More free stock images
- SVG Cheatsheet
- Easy contact us email submission
- Android asset studio
- NPM Trends
- Readme maker
- Copy & paste CSS effects
- Create and use custom map styles
- Hidden environemnt vars for React.js
- D3 graph gallery
- Measure website performance
- Css gradient maker
- Chart js configurator
- Best online font converter
- Headingsmap accesibility extension
- Accesibility checklist
- Certbot - easy TLS Certs for debian apache
- Best pract for web accesibility
Design resources
- Behance
- IOS mobile UI kit
- MDL Type system
- 8px spacing system
- 7 Practical desgin tips
- Material UI
- Design resources
- Free SVG illustrations
- More free SVG illustrations
- Design inspiration
- Abstract background elements
- Animation inspiration
- Free stock photos
- Free stock photos2
- Difinitive guide to conditions in JS
- Intro to fetch API
- Mastering modular Javascript(book)
- Promises are meant to be broken
- Javascript closures
- Async await in loops
- Conditional javascript
- Reactive programming with javascript
- 10 JS fundamentals
- Understanding async javascript
- 1997 ECMA script documentation PDF
- Copy to clipboard programatically
- Javascript clean code
- FeatherJS realtime API framework
- Composition vs inheritance
- Optional chaining
- Peer.js
- Snapshot testing with Jest
- Component testing with React
- Component testing with Jest and Enzyme
- Cypress
- Responsiveness testing browser Responsively
Big apps for the real world
- Next.js from init to prod
- Configuring CircleCi
- Deply next js apps with Heroku
- Circle CI with github
- Architecting your React app
- Make react fast
- Auth0 Client credentials flow
- Storybook UI component management
- React performance checklist
- Strapi CMS
- Rollup
- Setting up continuous integration with Github Actions
- Storybook component manager
- Bulletproof next.js
- Best pract for web accesibility
- Deplying a static site to google cloud storage bucket with github actions
- Writing a good next.js docker file
- Dockerising a next.js app
Websites that look good
Dope fonts
- Creating a react native app with Node.js backend
- Structuring backend connections with React and React Native
- Authenitcation with Node.js and MongoDB
- Browser automation
- Improving react native performance
- Service Workers
- React Native Image Caching
- Publishing a package on NPM
- Creating async loading images React Native
- How to structure your React project
- How programming affects thinking
- TypeChecking with proptypes
- Focus and deep work
- Setting up Node.js server on a Pi
- Dependancy injection
- Building a tensorflow training pipeline
- Deploy a MERN stack on Heroku
- React native's new architecture
- Expo vs native cli
- Node js summarized
- Why you should learn pyhton
- Realtime soundcloud waveform in RN
- Generative art with python
- Making sense of react hooks
- Understanding any programming task
- React context api
- 14 rules for handling data migrations
- The SOLID principle
- Design patterns
- The basics of writing clean code
- 10 Bad habits to avoid as a developer
- Bring SVG graphics to life with react
- How to finish a side project
- Why do we write super(props)
- Writing clean code
- CSS Modules
- Creating a online store with React and shopify
- Immutable web apps
- Accio recursion in JS
- Hiding secrets for web app deployment
- Javascript References
- Understanding react render props
- FE 2018 recap
- Rasterized line drawing function
- Comparing top web animation libraries for react
- Building desktop apps with HTML, CSS and JS
- Securing a node.js API with JSON web tokens
- Design and code
- Build better component libraries with styled system
- SVG bezier curves
- Understanding static in javascript
- A deep dive into React children
- How to make your app work offline with the power of javascript
- Breadth first vs depth first search
- Intergrating CSS modules with react
- A simple guide to ES6 iterators
- The react handbook
- From java to javascript
- Stop talking and start listening
- The reddit API and how to scrape it
- Javascript class properties
- Rough design up front
- The many names of javascript
- The lifecycle of mobile machine learning
- Native image lazy loading for the web
- Using regular expressions to analyze DNA with python
- Declarative vs imperative programming
- The principles of REST
- The junior developer's guide to writing clean code
- Design patterns in modern javascript
- Design patterns book
- How to be a great programmer
- Frontend Case studies
- Functional-ish javascript
- Collision detection on polygons
- Saying no to writing more code
- Animating with canvas
- Setting up docker with express server
- What is style in coding
- Running tasks in background mode React Native
- Background tasks every 15 mins
- Typescript cheat sheet
- Building a react component library
- When and how to use typescript in your React app
- MobX Application state management
- Adding Typescript to your react app
- What is Deno and how is it different from node.js
- Javascript's event loop explained
- React styling best practices
- Using refs in react
- 5 common react mistakes
- Introduction to design systems for developers
- React redux for beginners
- Learn d3.js in 5 minutes
- Structuring react projects
- Choosing a data visualization library
- Common javascript mistakes
- Improving react context performance
- JS modile cheatsheet
- Avoiding common pitfalls with react
- Stopping memmory leaks in react
- Creating a chrome extension with React
- Chrome messaging API for extensions
- React native vs Flutter
- Automate FTP deployments
- Gatsby vs Next
- What is a Thunk
- Caching best practices
- Access token handling with Redux
- Implementing in app purchases with React-Native
- Testing google play billing
- Setting up continuous integration with Github Actions
- Understanding webpack
- Making a chrome extension
- Avoid unnecesary re-renders for Redux connected components
- Linking google domains with heroku app
- Authorization vs Authentication
- Javascript interview questions
- The laws of UX
- Setting up CORS for google cloud storage bucket
- Abstraction can be dangerous
- How to make an instagram bot
- 5 Most common issues a blind person has with modern websites
- Design patterns with Typescript
- Workbox for PWA
- PWA install criteria