
Primary LanguageOCaml

Implementing Cartesian Closed Categories

This repo is an elementary implementation of Simply Typed Lambda Calculus (STLC) and its semantics in terms of Cartesian Closed Categories. It is not particularly well documented (yet!).



This project uses Interaction Trees (currently as a git submodule) as the basis for its category theory definitions.

The OCaml code depends on menhir and utop, which can be installed via:

opam install menhir utop

Cloning the repository

To check out the repository, be sure to include the --recurse-submodules flag:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Zdancewic/ccc

Coq Development

To build the Coq development, you should be able to just use make at the top level of the repo.

OCaml Implementation

To build the OCaml development, run make from the ml subdirectory. This generates Main.native, a simple front-end that accepts files with STLC terms and prints out their denotations. Run it by calling Main.native <foo>.stlc where <foo> is a filename and stlc is the file extension. The (undocumented) syntax for STLC programs is almost OCaml, except that all types are capitalized, and all let expressions and fun binders must have type annotations. See the files in test/test*.stlc for some examples.

Here is a sample output (which takes a long time to compute for such a small program!):

~/Research/ccc/ml> ./Main.native test/test_pair0.stlc
---------------------------------------------------------------- test_pair0.stlc
type Bool = One + One

let true : Bool = inl () in
let false : Bool = inr () in
let f : Bool * Bool -> Bool = fun (x : Bool * Bool) -> fst x in
f (false, true)

0 -> Inr 0

You can also run make utop to get a utop environment to play around with things interactively.