
Angular 2023

Primary LanguageTypeScript


1.Intro to Angular and TypeScript

• HTTP Basics; • Angular Overview; • Intro to TypeSctipt; • Composition; • Routing Overview; • Angular Installation and CLI.


• Components Basic Idea; • Creating Components; • Bootstrapping and Models; • Data Bindings and Templates; • Lifecycle Hooks; • Component Interaction.

3.DI, Intro to RxJS, Services

• Change Detection Strategy; • SOLID Principles; • Services; • Obserables and RXJS; • HTTP Client.

4.Workshop: Components

5.Modules and Routing

• NgModule; • Routing Overview; • Router Module (Links, Redirects, Query Params); • Router Guards.

6.Workshop: Modules and Routing


• Directives (Attribute, Structural, Building an Attribute); • Handling Forms (Template-Driven and Reactive Forms).

8.Workshop: Forms

9.Pipes, Interceptors and Subjects

• Directives (Attribute, Structural, Building an Attribute); • Handling Forms (Template-Driven and Reactive Forms).

10.Workshop: Pipes, Interceptors and Subjects

11.State Management

• Introduction to Redux; • NgRX Store (Store and App State, Actions, Reducers, Dispatching actions).

12.Q&A Session

13.Project Defense - Regular Exam