
1.Intro to Node.js

• Introduction to Node.js; • Event Loop; • Modules; • Request and Response Wrapper; • Node.js Web Server.

2.Node.js Streams and Utilities

• Streams; • Pub/Sub Pattern; • Events; • FS Module; • Debugging.

3.ExpressJS and Templating

• Express; • View Engines (handlebars).

4.Workshop: ExpressJS and Templating

5.NoSQL and MongoDB

• Relational and Non-Relational; • MongoDB and Mongoose Overview; • Mongoose Models; • CRUD with Mongoose; • Mongoose Querying.

6.Workshop: MongoDB and Mongoose

7.Session and Authentication

• Cookies and Sessions; • Authentication Concepts; • JSON Web Token.

8.Workshop: Session and Authentication

9.Validation and Error Handling

• Validation (why and how, mongoose validation); • Error Handling.

10.Exam Preparation

11.Workshop: REST API

12.Regular Exam