
ReactJS -february 2023

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


1.Intro to React and JSX

• React Overview; • Intallation; • JSX Syntax; • Composition.

2.Components: Basic Idea

• Components Overview; • Props; • State; • Handling DOM Events; • Conditional Rendering.

3.Components: Deep Dive

• Lists & Keys; • Component Lifecycle; • Higher-Order-Components; • CSS Modules; • Fetching Data.

4.Workshop: Components


• Controlled Forms; • Uncontrolled Forms; • Validation.


• Virtual DOM; • Routing Overview; • React Router; • React Lazy and Suspense.

7.Workshop: Routing

• Controlled Forms; • Uncontrolled Forms; • Validation.

8.React Hooks

• Introduction; • State Hook; • Effect Hook; • Rules of Hooks; • Custom Hooks.

9.Workshop: React Hooks and Authentication

10.Advanced Techniques

• Context API; • More Hooks (useContext, useReducer); • Error Boundaries; • Unit Testing with JEST and Enzyme.

11.Workshop: Advanced Techniques - Part 1

12.Workshop: Advanced Techniques - Part 2

13. Project Defense - Regular Exam