
A tool to identify and trust bitcoin entities

Primary LanguageJavaScript

User Interface for Title XIV

Title XIV was a project I developed as part of my undergraduate dissertation. It is far from complete and no longer being developed. The user interface is developed with the React framework and makes use of other libraries such as Redux, React Router and D3.

What is Title XIV?

The premise behind the project was to give the bitcoin community a degree of protection when using the cryptocurrency. Specifically, users would be able to "trust" entities in the network and flag those entities they believe to be in possession of stolen bitcoins. This would enable users to search for entities and observe the degree to which that entity is trusted before transacting with them and provide the opportunity, for users who have lost possession of their wallet, to mark it as stolen. In a similar manner to the PGP infrastructure, users would be able to build up their own web of trusted entities.

Why Title XIV?

The name of the project is in reference to the equivalent title in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which was signed into US law in 2010 following the financial crash of 2008. The title aims to protect consumers from predatory and unfair loan terms. Title XIV's long-term aim was to provide a similar service to the users of the bitcoin currency in so far as protecting them from entities with nefarious financial intent.